Turbo Fire - Anybody?

I am going to start the Turbo Fire - 5 Day Inferno tomorrow. Just curious if anyone does Turbo Fire on a regular basis or has done the Turbo Fire Inferno before.


  • kmillar1224
    kmillar1224 Posts: 91 Member
    Oooooh, I'm getting my TubroFire DVDs today!! So, excited to start.
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    what is Turbo Fire ? just curious
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    Personally I love chalene - Currently I am day 11 of Turbo Fire - and I love it!!! The music is great and it feels like you are part of the class, its alot of cardio and kickboxing...Best wishes to both you!!!
  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    I am just about finished my 5th week of the 20 week TurboFire program. It is my fitness drug of choice :) I absolutely love it and am totally addicted!!!!! Even on my rest day I want to work out!

    Just as a tip, you will definitely need the right cross-trainers! It is high intensity and can be hard on your joints. I personally love and recommend the Reebok Zig Activates but find what is right for you!

    Best of luck and have fun. TurboFire is intense but a blast!!!!!
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I love TURBOFIRE! that is actually my current beachbody program, however, I had to stop since I sprained my ankle 3 weeks ago today, so as soon as I'm better I will be restarting! I love it so much! I did almost complete the first 30 days, and noticed BIG changes in my body! I am a beachbody coach, so feel free to ask me any questions!!!!!
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    I'm just starting Power 90, but am looking ahead to possibly Turbo Fire as a supplement or as a replacement after Power 90, mostly because of all the positive reviews and results I've been seeing from others.

    I have to ask because I'm not an exercise buff and was never athletic (naturally skinny but clumsy as an ox) and I've got about 30-40 pounds to lose now - When do you start loving the workout? Cause I've got to tell you - I really don't love it yet! I don't mean I don't love Tony or the program - just the concept of hauling myself out of bed an hour early every day and killing myself for 45 minutes. I really want to get to the point where I crave the workout. It's my first week and I'm bringing it every day, but I want to love it!
  • A_Hornsby
    A_Hornsby Posts: 288
    southpaw211.....I understand your lack of motivation. I found that I wasn't motivated until I found a workout that was right for me. I completed the P90X2 and loved it. After that, I tried (on someone's advice that it was great), Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Let me tell you I lasted to the first day of Level 2 (i.e., 11 days in) and I quit. I hated it sooo much and could not find the motivation to do it. Working out became a chore and I watched the clock the entire time. So I found something that was right for me.

    Not everyone is going to love the same things. I am sure some people love the 30 day shred. But you have to find what suits you. Find a workout you love and motivation won't be an issue! It may take some trial and error and unfortunately a few programs you just hate. But I promise in the end, you will find something you look forward to doing. Be it TurboFire, yoga, soccer......

    Just don't give up! Feel free to add me and I would be happy to offer encouragement :)
  • byrdamy
    byrdamy Posts: 40
    I find the same thing, I see all these programs, shred, turbo, P90, Butt Bible, Brazil Butt, Crossfit, I want to do them all but I get overwhelmed. I work with a trainer 3-4 days a week, but its like I want to do more, more, more.

    I did Jillian for two weeks, I don't really know why I stopped.

    But I will say seeing the changes in my body has made me WANT to workout. Before I never did anything consistent. I am in my third month of 5-6 days a week working out, hopefully it has stuck this time.
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Thanks! I definitely will add you!

    It's funny you mention Jillian's 30 Day shred. That's EXACTLY the point where I stopped too! A huge difference between Jillian and Tony is that she tears you down, but he builds you up. I am definitely a clock watcher though. I'm thinking when I'm familiar with the changes and routines in the videos, I will add my own music and put the TV on mute. Everything moves along faster when you've got your groove on.

    Thanks for the advice!

  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    I am 61 days into Turbo Fire and it's completely worth it! I've already lost 22 pounds and the inches are just melting. High recommended! My favorite of Chalene's cardio programs.