WTH? I feel disgusting!



  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    I think it really is the hardest mind set to get out of. I was around 12 and half stone when I started a few years back and despite the fact that I am approaching 8 stone now I still feel terrified of putting it all back on and have a constant fear of messing up again.
    I have started using the fear to motivate me into making healthier choices and have stopped beating myself up so much when I do go wrong.
    It is a long hard road but you can do it, so many people on here will be ready to support you. Just believe in yourself, cheesy as it sounds you can achieve anything! If you would like to add me for support please feel free, I am always happy to lend an ear :)
  • minimaggie
    minimaggie Posts: 224 Member
    Tell your brain to butt out of your body's business and do it to spite the girl that says you cant.

    Realise that the condescending discouraging b*tch in your brain has another nemesis inside of you. The Athlete with her mouth duct taped and her arms bound, locked in the dark.

    Which one do you think is worth saving?

    Hint: The athlete inside you can help you kill that toxic frenemy that got in your head. All you have to do is bond with her. Name hr if you have to, visualise what she looks like, take her wth you on every workout, to every meal and anytime you hear that other voice say you cant do it and it wont work... You and your rescued athlete can flip her off.

    ....and someday beat the sht out of her.

    You are not a special snowflake. If we can do it, there's no reason you cant, either.

    ^ I was gonna say something but I really can't top that. :)

    Me too this.....

    I love this!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Tell your brain to butt out of your body's business and do it to spite the girl that says you cant.

    Realise that the condescending discouraging b*tch in your brain has another nemesis inside of you. The Athlete with her mouth duct taped and her arms bound, locked in the dark.

    Which one do you think is worth saving?

    Hint: The athlete inside you can help you kill that toxic frenemy that got in your head. All you have to do is bond with her. Name hr if you have to, visualise what she looks like, take her wth you on every workout, to every meal and anytime you hear that other voice say you cant do it and it wont work... You and your rescued athlete can flip her off.

    ....and someday beat the sht out of her.

    You are not a special snowflake. If we can do it, there's no reason you cant, either.

    ^ I was gonna say something but I really can't top that. :)

    I know Right!! I was just reading and was inspired....I think I'll name my captive athlete...Hmmm :bigsmile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I love all the responses so far but this one is definitely my favorite!!
    Tell your brain to butt out of your body's business and do it to spite the girl that says you cant.

    Realise that the condescending discouraging b*tch in your brain has another nemesis inside of you. The Athlete with her mouth duct taped and her arms bound, locked in the dark.

    Which one do you think is worth saving?

    Hint: The athlete inside you can help you kill that toxic frenemy that got in your head. All you have to do is bond with her. Name hr if you have to, visualise what she looks like, take her wth you on every workout, to every meal and anytime you hear that other voice say you cant do it and it wont work... You and your rescued athlete can flip her off.

    ....and someday beat the sht out of her.

    You are not a special snowflake. If we can do it, there's no reason you cant, either.

    I could've written almost the same note as the OP about 2 1/2 years ago! The difference for me this time was that it had to be about my health and about fitness as much as it was about the weight. And it sure as hell couldn't be about getting skinny anymore - that's a young girl's dream. This grown *kitten* woman wants to be strong, lean and fit! And as you can see by my ticker, I'm definitely not the speediest loser but I'm doing it and still learning new things about myself and my diet all the time. As much as this word is overused, it really is a journey.

    Have patience and faith in yourself and you will do it!
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I have battled all my life, cannot remember ever feeling ok in my own skin!!!
    I have five brothers and one sister. my brothers always called me FRANI FRANI with the big fat FANNY..
    and my sister was always petite to my 5' 9" frame, so I always felt too big....

    I always hovered in the upper 160-190 range... when I had a MS relapse last year and they put me on steroids, I ballooned to 200... I had never been at 200 before!!! That is when I decided that I needed to fix something...

    I could not fix the MS so I decided to fix the fat!!!
    And it started with counting calories.. then when I had lost 20 lbs (took about 1.5 months at 1200 calories a day), I started walking........ first 1/2 mile then 1 mile and so on and so on.. I am up to five miles and almost 30 lbs lost.
    I have around 30 to go.. but I look at every day as a new day with new goals.......

    Give yourself one goal a day-- today is no soda or i will eat small every three hours or whatever!!!
    Don't hate on yourself!!!
    Just put your head up and put one foot in front of the other!!
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    For so many it is not knowing what to do, it is doing it. How do we get ourselves to do what we know we need to do? Weight loss is basically calories in vs calories out. There are many that want to do some hocus pocus, but that is the basis.

    First off, you have to know you are worth it. You are worth it. If you need a note I will write you one. Next, what JSheehy said is correct, you aren't going to go on a diet, you are going to BUILD A LIFESTYLE. And for that you have to find something you can maintain. It is anecdotal, but I have known few people that can maintain WW. But if that works and you can maintain, great.

    Next...and this is the tough one. STOP TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT! Get into the best physical shape of your life. The weight will come off. If you really focus on getting in shape, the scale will not mean a lot. The mirror will.

    I have weight goals, but they are secondary to the fitness goals. I have weight goals because I have so much to lose, that at my first weight goal I will evaluate MY FITNESS and see what I need to do. I wouldn't care if I weighed 400 lbs if I was 6% body fat.

    So, decide to be a superhero. What do superheros eat? What do they do when not at work and not fighting crime? Do that...OR
    Be a super villain, what do they eat and do when they are not out being criminals? Do that. Either way, unless you choose a lame super villain, you will have to work out like a beast and eat things that fuel your body, not junk to attempt to find comfort.

    Find a work out you enjoy or can tolerate, and fuel your super powers.
    Again, notes available upon request....
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    I had given up, too. I assumed that my yo-yo and starving had messed me up so bad that I was destined to hold on to weight. I started MFP with a - we'll see, attitude, expecting it not to work... but it did.
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    It's so nice to see all the positive comments here!! :love: I couldn't have put it better! So I won't!! :bigsmile:

    Bless you OP, I wish you every success :flowerforyou:
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    Tell your brain to butt out of your body's business and do it to spite the girl that says you cant.

    Realise that the condescending discouraging b*tch in your brain has another nemesis inside of you. The Athlete with her mouth duct taped and her arms bound, locked in the dark.

    Which one do you think is worth saving?

    Hint: The athlete inside you can help you kill that toxic frenemy that got in your head. All you have to do is bond with her. Name hr if you have to, visualise what she looks like, take her wth you on every workout, to every meal and anytime you hear that other voice say you cant do it and it wont work... You and your rescued athlete can flip her off.

    ....and someday beat the sht out of her.

    You are not a special snowflake. If we can do it, there's no reason you cant, either.

    ^ I was gonna say something but I really can't top that. :)

    Me too this.....

    Yup me three
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    It worked for me....and it can work for you!!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Simple. Believe you can do this and follow through. Shut that negative talk up in your head whenever you feel it coming on. Replace every negative thought with a positive. It seems stupid and awkward at first but it gets easier. I used to be just like you...hell I WAS you! Yo-yo dieted practically my whole life - well at least 20 years of it! Dieted my way up to almost 300 pounds and the fact that I was almost 300 pounds scared the s#*t out of me. I decided I was going to get off this rollercoaster once and for all, and no matter how hard it was and how long it took I WAS GOING TO DO THIS. And I am. If I can do it, the queen of starting things and never following through, anyone can. When I feel like giving up I tell myself "You can do this!" There are no quick fixes and admit it, that's what everybody wants. But the truth is like others have said - weight loss is NO cakewalk. This is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do my whole life. Quit wallowing in self pity and start DOING this. Practice some tough love on yourself. Kick yourself in the pants!! Need me to come kick your butt for you??? :bigsmile:

    YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU'RE NEVER A FAILURE UNLESS YOU STOP TRYING. Don't give up hope. Don't focus on the big picture, take it day by day. Focus on making TODAY a great day. Make small goals. And add me as a friend :smile:
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    One day at a time and you will begin to see changes- if it goes in your mouth put it in your log. I have been up and down with weight all of my life as well ~ but it changed May 12th- that was the day I started changing my lifestyle.

    This is a great place for support and advice if it is needed~ feel free to add me as a friend and know that there are so many here in the same place as you- we all have differnt stories as to how we got here- but we are here to change.

    Give yourself little presents along the way- at 10 pounds (1 more pound to go) I get to go buy a new shirt~ it may be a cheap little shirt from Walmart or Target- but its a present to me. Twenty pounds- well that's my new pants coming into my wardrobe~ you notice there is no food incentive- but material- that way I can see my reward- not feel it on my hips the next morning :)

    Feel free to add me as a friend - and I will always be a support system for you~ best of luck on your journey!
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    Tell your brain to butt out of your body's business and do it to spite the girl that says you cant.

    Realise that the condescending discouraging b*tch in your brain has another nemesis inside of you. The Athlete with her mouth duct taped and her arms bound, locked in the dark.

    Which one do you think is worth saving?

    Hint: The athlete inside you can help you kill that toxic frenemy that got in your head. All you have to do is bond with her. Name hr if you have to, visualise what she looks like, take her wth you on every workout, to every meal and anytime you hear that other voice say you cant do it and it wont work... You and your rescued athlete can flip her off.

    ....and someday beat the sht out of her.

    You are not a special snowflake. If we can do it, there's no reason you cant, either.

    ^ I was gonna say something but I really can't top that. :)

    Me too this.....

    Yup me three

    and me four -- awesome LOVE
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I needed this post today and all those positive comments! THANKS!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Set a series of small, achievable goals for yourself, such as: I will walk 10 miles this week. I will record everything I eat this week. I will lose 5 pounds by the end of July. Then, as you reach each goal, celebrate and reward yourself with something nice (new clothes or a trip somewhere fun). Then set the next goal. Too often we tell ourselves we need to lose a huge amount of weight, and it just seems impossible. As many of already posted, we have to take it one day at a time. But if you set small, daily goals, weekly goals, and monthly goals - you're always achieving something.
  • mchall03
    mchall03 Posts: 8 Member
    I guess what did it for me was looking at this as a change in who I am, and not a diet. Diets always seemed like a temporary thing to get to a spot. The problem was if I got to that spot and went "off the diet" I would just end up being fat again. The reason I was 320 was not the lack of being on a diet it was the lack of a healthy outlook on life.

    THIS. I believe this is the most important component to losing weight and becoming healthy... realizing that you need to make a lifestyle change. It will keep you from getting discouraged, let you know that it is okay to indulge a little in "unhealthy" food on occasion, and encourage you because you know the change you are making is much more important than numbers on a scale. Good luck!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,691 Member
    I guess what did it for me was looking at this as a change in who I am, and not a diet.

    This is a good insight and should be great advice to you..You ought think about it as bettering yourself, and improving your whole life.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I guess what did it for me was looking at this as a change in who I am, and not a diet. Diets always seemed like a temporary thing to get to a spot. The problem was if I got to that spot and went "off the diet" I would just end up being fat again. The reason I was 320 was not the lack of being on a diet it was the lack of a healthy outlook on life.

    ^^THIS! A "diet" is plain and simply what you eat, so don't think of it as "going on a diet". You're ALWAYS on a diet. It's the QUALITY of your diet that counts, so think of it as changing your lifestyle instead. It takes time to form habits--good or bad. It's all about baby steps. Any step forward--even a small one--is a step in the right direction. It seems overwhelming right now because you are just getting started, but give yourself credit for recognizing the need for change. Set smaller short term goals for yourself instead of looking at that final goal weight, as that can be quite daunting. A friend once told me, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Persistency, consistency, determination, and motivation are the keys to success. Above all, DON'T QUIT!!! If you fall off the wagon, get right back on. I promise you won't regret it.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    The only thing that will prevent you from reaching your goal is you. We've gotten so used to being the way we are and "accepting" it. Buying more "forgiving" clothes and ignoring the labels on our food. It took us a long time to get this way physically and mentally... it will also take a good amount of time to "un-do" it.

    My biggest struggle is not food or exercise, its ME. Me being negative and mean to myself. I think once we learn to forgive and love our self, AND be patient... this will become less straining.

    That's great that you joined Weight Watchers, I've heard many good things about it. Dedicate yourself, then allow time. It WILL happen. You CAN do it. I see 11 pounds lost on my ticker, and honestly it's SO hard for me to believe I did that. I never thought it would happen. Took a long time, but the point is it "did" happen.

    Think happy thoughts:flowerforyou:
  • beckysweetpea
    beckysweetpea Posts: 21 Member
    i get the same feeling everyday and im sure most people here have had the same feeling, i dont see it as either a lifestyle change or dieting, to me at this point if i want to continue to live a good life, its what i have to do. we are all our own worst enemy and biggest harshest critic, but you are in control of yourself and what you ultimately want to be. Perservere, be determined and have faith. if you slip up, then so be it as long as you can get back on that bike, whether it be continuously getting back on, then keep trying. i keep hitting a certain point in my weight loss and then i fall off the wagon, but i choose to continue with my weight loss.

    no matter what happens, be strong and take what you want, you deserve all good things and they will come to you.