Intense exercise headache? (Insanity)

LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
I was wondering if anyone else experience headaches when they do intense exercise? I'm prone to headaches normally, but I've been doing Insanity for about a week and a half and I've already gotten two headaches during it. The one last week wasn't terrible and I continued through the workout. But last night I got such a bad one that I had to stop the workout early. I'm wondering if anyone could offer insight as to why this would happen and what I can do to prevent it?

Some basics: I eat clean (80/20 method), and I drink plenty of water throughout the day. I do Insanity at night (my bf and I do it together and he's not off work until the evening). Please feel free to look at my diary from yesterday and see if anything looks like it could be a possible cause. Note: I do realize I didn't eat quite enough yesterday, but if you look through the past few days you'll see that I normally come a lot closer to reaching my goal. Also, while I was a little short on calories yesterday, the things I did eat were nutritious and filling. You won't see it in my diary, but I take a multivitamin every night right before bed, with extra iron for women. I have been working out for months (running and weightlifting) and I've done the 30DS, so I'm not new to exercise. Insanity is intense, but I can get through it without too much trouble (except for last night). I think that covers basic things you need to know, but if there's anything else that might be helpful please ask.

Anyone out there have a suggestion to help or can anyone just relate? I want to be able to do Insanity! :sad:


  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    First thing that comes to mind is to get your blood pressure checked. It's normal for blood pressure to rise during exercise, but maybe it's going too high?
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    You think maybe your sugar levels are a little low? I know I get headaches if I workout and don't have sometime to eat (about an hour before exercising) or if I don't drink enough water. Dr. Oz swears by eating a yogurt parfait (yogurt and a little granola) before a workout. He says it enhances the calorie/fat burning. But it could also give you that little boost you need before exercising, maybe to eliminate headaches??
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    First thing that comes to mind is to get your blood pressure checked. It's normal for blood pressure to rise during exercise, but maybe it's going too high?

    I have my blood pressure checked every time I go to the doctor, and I just went pretty recently. I actually have pretty low blood pressure - the "good" kind of low, not like dangerously low. The doctors are always very pleased with it :/

    Also, I wear a HRM and my HR never gets over about 185, and my max is supposed to be 199. So I don't think that's getting too high either.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    Tattoo has made a good suggestion, I would say drink more. Drink more than you think you need, drink more than you can stand, Drink More :)

  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I have a friend who gets headaches when she does any type of intense cardio. She normally gets migraines but the headaches, she found, are associated with a heart condition she has. I would say get a check-up with your doctor.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    You think maybe your sugar levels are a little low? I know I get headaches if I workout and don't have sometime to eat (about an hour before exercising) or if I don't drink enough water. Dr. Oz swears by eating a yogurt parfait (yogurt and a little granola) before a workout. He says it enhances the calorie/fat burning. But it could also give you that little boost you need before exercising, maybe to eliminate headaches??

    Interesting, I'll look into that. I did eat about 1.5 hours before working out last night - I had lentils and veggies, and some almonds. I didn't want to eat any closer to the workout than that because Insanity is known for making people feel like puking/actually puke. Haha.
  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    I get them if I don't eat enough before my workouts. I'm also very prone to migraines and smaller headaches but I find they're much worse when I don't eat enough before I do intense workouts. Also, as was pointed out earlier, hydration is super important, if you think you've had enough, have another glass of water!!
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    It honestly may just mean that your workout is just really intense. I wouldn't do that type of workout every day to give your body a break. :)
  • agapter
    agapter Posts: 2 Member
    Plenty of water may not be enough with intense exercise. I get dehydration-related headaches as well. Make sure you're taking in at LEAST half your body weight in ounces without exercise and then I would have at least 24 ounces for every 30 minutes your doing. Good luck, hopefully they go away.
  • emstaley4
    emstaley4 Posts: 76 Member
    I have this problem and my trainer said to drink more. Make sure I drink more than I would on an average day when I'm working out hard.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    I thought maybe you need BCAA's (branched chain amino acids) since I noticed I had been getting headaches on rest days until I started taking BCAA's - I previously just took them on workout days. Look what I found when I was seeing if there was research backing it other than my own experience:

    "BCAAs are used medically to treat headaches, dizziness, fatigue, depression and irritability as a result of protein deficiency."


    Perhaps you could give them a try and see if it takes care of your headache problem.
  • palomiux
    palomiux Posts: 3 Member
    I get headaches sometimes when I do high intensity workouts, I was told it may be related to your blood pressure or heart rate getting too high, the signs would usually be that the headaches comes almost without a warning and it's extremely intense right off the bat, it usually subsides withing a couple minutes of slowing down the workout. I get migraines, dehydration and sinus headaches and they all feel different to me
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    The only time I got headache when doing insanity was when i would hold my breath, once I got the breathing thing worked out it made a hell of a difference!
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    The only time I got headache when doing insanity was when i would hold my breath, once I got the breathing thing worked out it made a hell of a difference!


    Yes! I totally forgot that I used to do that too. Still do sometimes. I unconsciously hold my breath during exertion now and again. Exhale upon exertion! Inhale upon... what's the opposite of exertion? Rest?
  • leagenders
    leagenders Posts: 1 Member
    I starting having the same problem as soon as I started month two! I feel fine all day and as soon as I start the work-out or 10 minutes in, I start to develop a pounding headache which limits my ability to give it my all. I eat about 2200 calories a day to maintain my current weight, I eat carbs, I dont drink caffeine or other diuretics. I haven't recently changed my diet, lifestyle, exercise habits, etc. I have worked out regularly for years. I am not on any medications and drink plenty of water. I focus on breathing properly. I cant figure it out. It has only been three days (since I started month two) but this is strange for me. If it keeps up i'll see a doctor. Anyone have any ideas?
  • Weejordi
    Weejordi Posts: 2
    This has also happend to me. I found out its a sodium deficiency, You need to eat more salt. While doing insanity or cardio workouts you sweat alot and lose alot of salt in your sweat without replacing it especially if your on a low calorie diet your probably eating alot less salt. I increased my salt intake and it sorted me right out :-) . Check out this article ...