Rest days???

So i've been walking every day now at a 3.5mph rate...slowly increasing the incline every 5 minutes, up to level 4, and then back down. Burning around 420 calories in 45 minutes. I'm wondering if people give their legs rest days. I also work on a very active dementia unit in a local LTC facility and my legs get a good work out through that as well. This is where i need the most work i don't mind. I'm just wondering if I should give my legs rest days. And if I should...when? Should i work 3 days in a row then take a rest day or something like that? Any suggestions appreciated :)


  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    In my opinion you don't need a leg rest day based on your activity. If you were lifting HEAVY weights, it would be a different story.
  • Berto0391
    Berto0391 Posts: 273 Member
    How long have you been doing this?...If your starting out I say take day off every 3 days...after you get used to it increase your speed and see what your body tells you.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I second bizco-with what you are doing I don't think you need rest day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Keep in mind your body will adjust. I would suggest starting to do weight training.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I usually workout Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri and Sat and rest on Wednesday and Sunday. I also don't just work one part of my body though. Listen to your body, if you need a rest day take it. It's not recommended to workout 7 days a week anyways. If you work your body too hard it becomes counterproductive.
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    My legs are just so achy and tired today. I just did vacuuming and mopping, dusting, laundry, cleaned the bathroom. Maybe i'll rest for a while and walk later. My legs just are so tired today. They ache.
  • kingvan
    kingvan Posts: 9
    By no stretch of the imagination would I consider myself a fitness expert. I would tend to agree with the people who say not to take a break with what you're doing. I take a 'rest day' from my main workouts every week, but also do a daily 3-4 mile dog walk, 3.5mph, that I don't skip unless it's a weather situation.

    Having said that, I would also add, listen to your body. If you're in pain and don't feel good, take a break and go again tomorrow. Cliche phrase: It's a marathon, not a sprint. You'd be better served taking a day off willingly than hurting yourself, and who knows how long you'd be out then.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I would occasionally rest. The first 2-3 weeks I went to the gym M-F and it was all I could do to get my 65 minutes of treadmill time in. my calves burned, my hips ached, and I coughed like a pack a day I dropped tuesday and thursday, and just walked m-w-f and found that I had better endurance...then a friend wanted me to walk with her on tuesdays, so I decided that was my "slow day" and walked at 2.5 miles an hour for my 65 minutes. For the last 2 months I have been doing hill intervals on the treadmill 3x per week ( the treadmill changes the height every minute--one minute of incline, then one minute of no incline), and one "slow day" of no incline and slower pace. Last week I managed 13.25 miles!!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I do cardio in my rest days from lifting. Usually, once a week (mostly after legs day lifting) I will take one day off and rest. But you probably don't "need" a rest day for cardio. If you want one than that's cool, take one. But your body probably doesn't need it. To recover.
  • koko12
    koko12 Posts: 81 Member
    if your legs get sore id say take a rest day just so those muscles can repair themselves. otherwise walking is a normal day activity. just make sure those muscles repair or youre not making progress :)
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    I felt bad of course I got on the treadmill. Lol.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    A rest day is just as important as exercise because your body needs to repair. Working out more doesn't mean more weight loss. I see people all the time saying they workout 7 days a week and they aren't seeing results. So take at least 1-2 days off a week for your body to recoup.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes, you should take a rest day. Especially since you said you were sore. I work out two days, rest one. With that method, I get in 4 or 5 days a week of exercise. Just because you're walking, doesn't mean it's not hard work for YOU. I know when I walk, I get almost as sweaty as I do running (it just takes longer). As your fitness level increases, you may need less rest, but I prefer to up the intensity of my workout and still take my rest days.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Also, I've seen some of my largest weekly losses after taking a TWO day break instead of a one day break. All the working out causes your muscles to retain water for repair and that masks the fact that you're losing FAT! So I now make sure I rest the day before my official weigh in.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    It's okay to take a rest day. I normally incorporate one in on Friday or Sunday depending on how the weekend is going to be.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My legs are just so achy and tired today. I just did vacuuming and mopping, dusting, laundry, cleaned the bathroom. Maybe i'll rest for a while and walk later. My legs just are so tired today. They ache.

    That's your body telling you that you need a rest day. So, yup. Take it.
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    Rest days are equally important physically and mentally. So what you dont lift weights. You still need rest. Your own body is telling you to take a break. So instead of listening to a bunch of strangers on the net, listen to the one thing that knows you best, your own body.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Also, I've seen some of my largest weekly losses after taking a TWO day break instead of a one day break. All the working out causes your muscles to retain water for repair and that masks the fact that you're losing FAT! So I now make sure I rest the day before my official weigh in.

    YES! This happens to me too! If I work out too hard I end up "gaining" and then a few days later after I have sweat to death I end up "losing" 3 I did this week. :) lol
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    A Rest day is just as important as your workout days... I workout 6 days a week cardio and 3 days a week weight training but I always take 1 full day off to allow my body a day of rest and repair... The crazy thing is that rest day is normally the day I lose the most of my weeks weight... My rest day is normally on the weekends prefer Sunday's off cause Monday is a huge weight training/ cardio day..... Best of Luck...
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I third (unless there is someone else that added) bizco's answer. You have to be more active so on top of your daily, you add more exercise.