Recommend me light beers in Canada!



  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    I will NOT.

    Exercise more, eat less, drink real beer!

    This!!! Turned in a 45 min run so I could enjoy some Innus and Gun over the weekend.
  • Canuck_TriFit
    Canuck_TriFit Posts: 97 Member
    Canadian 67 it good if you want really light beer. If you can find Samuel Adams light, try it, it's really good but I've only been able to find it at duty free.
  • yopie1965
    yopie1965 Posts: 25 Member
    I drink Molson 67, Coors Light Iced T, and Sleeman Light.......all great choices and few calories!
  • mjlobeau
    mjlobeau Posts: 28 Member
    There is Canadian 67. (67 calories) I don't drink beer but a lot of my girlfriends drink this and say it isn't too bad. I'll take their word for it.

    i like this molson 67, its not bad. there is also 67 sublime, that has a hint of lemon-lime.
  • I drink the non-alcoholic Heinekens
  • pbamerson
    pbamerson Posts: 17 Member
    If you can get it in Canada, Michelob Ultra Amber is a decent go-to "light" beer.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I love Molson Canadian 67 Sublime in the summer time. Only 67 calories and it tastes great! If you don't like the idea of lime, just go for the Canadian 67 then.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Molson M is really good REAL beer, and only 100 cals.. I'm not a fan of Molson typically, but this one is great..

    I don't like the 67 because it tastes like water.. depends what kind of beer drinker you are.. I love stouts, anything red and dark :)

    In Atlantic Canada, we drink real beer :drinker:
  • rugbygirlca
    rugbygirlca Posts: 85
    I love beer. LOVE. I dig super hoppy craft brews, but sometimes I'll drink German pilsners or a cold Japanese brew.

    Me too. Flying Monkey Smashbomb Atomic is probably my fave craft brew that is readily available at the LCBO.
    I'm not a fan of Bud and I find a lot of the "big guys" tend to cause me headaches, likely from preservatives.

    However, I am interested in giving light beer a try so I can fit in more on a hot summer's day on my patio. I'm in Toronto, Canada so some of the American options may not be as easy to locate but we do have quite a bit.

    Flying Monkey has Antigravity Light Ale. I personally don't love it as much as Hoptical or Smashbomb, but as an easy drinking beer on a summer day it's better than most. It has about 120 cal / bottle vs. 180 for the Smashbomb.

    Moosehead's Cracked Canoe is alright as well (and about 100 cal / bottle).

    I agree, it's a balance - small amounts of good beer some days and slightly more of 'refreshing' beer on another day.
  • GR1966
    GR1966 Posts: 3 Member
    Sam Adams light is to me the best tasting light beer but not the lowest calorie light beer. My preference is to have a few full bodied "real" beers rather than knock back a bunch of crap beers. Quality over quanity for me. Some of my favorite beers are Sam Adams, Sierra Navada Pale Ale and Porter, Guiness, Corona, Yazoo Pale Ale. I don't drink beer as often as I used to but when I do, I perfer the taste of a quality beer. But if you want a low calorie beer that actually taste like beer and not feel too bad about drinking more than just a few, I pick would be Sam Adams Light.
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I'm like the hopped up craft ales...I have Bud Light Lime every now and then for a switch...
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I will NOT.

    Exercise more, eat less, drink real beer!

    Here, here!
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 100 Member

    Me too. Flying Monkey Smashbomb Atomic is probably my fave craft brew that is readily available at the LCBO.

    Flying Monkey has Antigravity Light Ale. I personally don't love it as much as Hoptical or Smashbomb, but as an easy drinking beer on a summer day it's better than most. It has about 120 cal / bottle vs. 180 for the Smashbomb.

    Moosehead's Cracked Canoe is alright as well (and about 100 cal / bottle).

    I agree, it's a balance - small amounts of good beer some days and slightly more of 'refreshing' beer on another day.

    That's absolutely my fave beer! It used to have an even higher percentage of alcohol when it was just available on tap at a few places but they had to change things up for the LCBO rules.

    I'll give the Antigravity a try. It's dangerous, but there's an LCBO below my office. :D
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I will NOT.

    Exercise more, eat less, drink real beer!

    Lol, I love this answer!!
  • I'm a fan of Cracked Canoe.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Aiiiii... I'm a craft beer snob and this thread breaks my little itty bitty heart!

    So many good craft beers in Canada. Just save up your cals and drink less often.

    Indulging less often and with truly amazing one-offs really helps me enjoy the experience. I very rarely drink beer at home and usually save it for when I'm out enjoying a pint with friends. Wellington has an ESB out now that is great, and there are some fabulous hoppy brews available on tap in Hamilton where I live. In Toronto, the options are ENDLESS!

    What's a few hundred calories a week between friends when it means enjoying MUCH better beer?
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I will NOT.

    Exercise more, eat less, drink real beer!

    Lol, I love this answer!!

    I love it...we have the same profile picture!!!!

    My go-to light beer is Miller Chill; however, nothing beats a nice blonde or honey ale.
  • there are some fabulous hoppy brews available on tap in Hamilton where I live. 7

    You must be a fan of the Winking Judge