


  • sche1amy
    sche1amy Posts: 86 Member
    I have had Lasik done and I have no regrets. It was well worth the money that I spent on it.
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    DO IT you will not regret it I promise. You will love it. I use to have extremely bad eye sight until I had lasik surgery and like others have said it is the best money I ever spent. No regrets none at all. No more fussin with glasses or contacts don't have to worry about going swimming or taking a shower or getting splashed in the face. When you wake up at 2:30 or 4:30 in the morning you can see the clock across the room. Find the money beg for it borrow it Work extra for it do whatever it takes. I promise you will not be sorry.
  • beccas27
    beccas27 Posts: 200 Member
    I had it done several years ago, But I am now back in glasses.. the surgery itself was no problem, But I had bad dry eyes when I woke up at night & could not see well at night when driving.

    I could always have the surgery done again since I have a lifetime warranty on my eyes, but I chose not to do it again, So now I wear glasses for night driving..

    Everyone has a different outcome with this.
  • carrie3479
    carrie3479 Posts: 41 Member
    :( I haven't had mine done, I went to a consultation and was told that although they could improve my sight in my completely useless eye, I still wouldn't be able to "see" as it is too lazy and wanders off, and then he waffled on about it being because my brain doesn't pick it up as an eye.

    I do however know numerous people who have been lucky enough to have it done and they cant praise it high enough. It seems to be money very well spent
  • anna0478
    anna0478 Posts: 505 Member
    My eyes werent suitable for Lasik, corneas were too thin. My husband and I both had PRK about 8-9 years ago. Other than the initial discomfort, there was no issue. My husband still has perfect vision. I, however, have had to go back to wearing glasses. My prescription is only a fraction of what it used to be before the surgery, though.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    Had Lasik in 2002 - best money ever spent ! Would have paid a million dollars. No regrets and
    still see 20/15

  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I just got PRK (similar to lasik, easier to qualify for) on June 18th. My vision is better than it was with glasses on, the ONLY downside I've found is you can't swim or do contact sports for a month, and you have to be careful rubbing your eyes. If you have chronic dry eyes it will make it worse. My eyes were fine before, and for about 2 weeks were a tiny bit dry (eye drops every 4 hours or so), other than that, no problems at all and I never have to worry about glasses again
  • stacgiggles
    stacgiggles Posts: 28 Member
    Had PRK little over a year ago. SOOOOOOOO wish i did it years ago. I absolutly love it, I"m 20/15 now. No complications at all. I would def check into and DO IT if you can. You won't regret! :)
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    Yes! I had only one eye done. I now have mono vision. My reading vision was perfect and I didn't want to have to still wear cheaters for reading so my dominant left eye is for distance and right is for reading. Perfect! No contacts, no cheaters.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I had it done about 5 years ago. I only wish I'd done it sooner! I see better now than I ever did with glasses or contacts. It really was life changing for me.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I have extremely bad eyesight (I can't find my glasses if they get moved while they're off because I wont see them)... I've been switching between glasses and contacts for years and have been considering lasik.

    Has anyone here done it? What was your experience?

    Lasik isn't an option for me, but there other corrective procedures for the type of vision problems I have. I have been extremely far-sighed since birth and have worn glasses since this was discovered when I was 17 months old. (I am 53 and have been wearing glasses for 52 years and contacts on and off for 41 years. I had corrective surgery (that failed to improve my vision--at all) at age 6 and age 18. I also could not find my glasses if they were moved, which is why I have several pairs. I can't afford to be without them if something happens to them.

    In recent years, I've gotten fond of extended wear contact lenses. My current lenses are worn two weeks (continuously--day and night) then thrown out. I wear contacts about half the time. (I prefer how I look in glasses, but thick glasses are very uncomfortable and I see better with contacts). I can't imagine wanting to go through the discomfort and inconvenience of surgery when extended wear contacts have done so much for me!
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I did it and would do it all over again. My only problem was that I had dry eyes for many months afterward, but that slowly went away.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    One of the best decisions I made.. I'm going on 7 years :bigsmile:
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    update: i had my procedure on 7/20. it took less than a minute per eye. they told me ahead of time that i would never see 20/20 (not with surgery, contacts, glasses, EVER) but they were able to get me to 20/25 in my "good" eye. my other eye is about 20/35 and may require an additional surgery to fine tune it. before the surgery, the prescription for my "bad" eye was -9, i don't remember what my "good" eye was but it wasn't much better.

    after the surgery, it felt like i had shampoo in my eyes and it stung a little but it definitely didn't hurt. i had the procedure around 9:30 and after napping most of the day, i was able to watch TV later that evening. using my computer and phone was sort of problematic for the first two weeks -- i had to dim the screens and make the font HUGE in order to see anything. my distance vision has improved so drastically (as well as my depth perception and peripheral vision) and i am now seeing details that i'd been missing for over 20 years. i actually saw the craters on the moon for the first time last week with my own eyes! i sort of feel like i'm hallucinating some of the time because the images in front of me are vastly different than what i'm used to seeing!

    my eyes were really dry for the first two weeks and i had to use eye drops every hour or so like clockwork, but now i'm only using them once a day or so. if you're still considering the surgery and haven't done it yet, i truly recommend it. my procedure cost over five grand, but that pales in comparison to the money that i've spent on glasses over the years.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I had it done over 4 years ago. Best decision, besides having kids, I've ever made. No pain, woke the next morning and went to the follow-up visit with 20/20, improved to 20/15. I will warn you, the smell of burning cornea is not pleasant though.
  • tmj2191
    tmj2191 Posts: 76
    Had it done 6 years ago, best thing I could of done. I was nearly blind and now I see 20/15.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I had it done over 4 years ago. Best decision, besides having kids, I've ever made. No pain, woke the next morning and went to the follow-up visit with 20/20, improved to 20/15. I will warn you, the smell of burning cornea is not pleasant though.

    i was really freaked out because i had heard from others that you can smell the burning, but i didn't smell anything. either that or i'm so used to burning my hair with hot tools that i didn't notice it!
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    I didn't have it done, but my older sister did. I went with her and watched them do the procedure. It looked crazy. She said it felt very uncomfortable and weird, but it was all over in 5 minutes and SO worth it. She was "legally blind" (couldn't see the "E" on the eye chart), and contacts really irritated her eyes, so she was always having trouble. She hasn't had one BIT of trouble since the lasik, and now she can see way better than I can with my contacts in! (and I never had anywhere near as bad of vision as she did before the lasik!)

    However, I will say one thing: she went to a particular doctor that her brother-in-law had had his lasik done by just months before. Since her eyes were different/worse than his, the doctor suggested she go with a bit costlier procedure. (Most lasik surgeons offer about 3 different kinds of procedures). While my sister's eyesight is great, her brother-in-law's is now starting to fail and he may have to have the procedure redone! So DO consider going with the costlier treatment!
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 923 Member
    I want lasik so bad, but my vision gets worse every year. So, I'm assuming if I had the surgery would I still need glasses again in a year? Any one have a similar situation? :sad:
    You wouldn't be a candidate unless your prescription has been stable for a few years.

    I had mine done in 2005, no regrets at all!