Eating Exercise Calories ?

Should I be eating the calories gained thru exercise ? I have been doing cartio every weekday for an hour and earn 600 to 700 calories. Should I stick to 1200 calories or increase for the earned exercise calories ?


  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Yes, you should be eating them back. If you're going off of MFP estimates or a machine(not a HRM) I'd eat about 1/2-3/4 of them. You need to fuel your body so it can continue to do those workouts.
  • soussen
    soussen Posts: 5 Member
    The choice is yours. Keep in mind that in order to lose 1 pound a week you have to burn 3400 calories, so most ppl drop 500 calories off their daily caloric intake through diet and exercise.
    Which means if youre burning extra calories then you should be able to treat yourself.
    Good Luck!