Tummy fat HELP?!

I want to aim at my tummy fat more so if you know any work out the will help with that pleaseeeee let me know!! Ive always heard situs but my friend say you shouldn't do that (she's a runner) and thats just want she's heard. So I'm confused to what will help with shirking the tummy fat and toning it!?!?


  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    Yeah you can't spot reduce, you just have to lower your body fat %. The best way to do that is with diet, resistance training, and some cardio. Situps by themselves won't do a whole lot.
  • Beautycurvepose
    Beautycurvepose Posts: 18 Member
    Okay thank you for that! :) I do cardio! Is resistance the same as strength? Sorry if that's a dumb question
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    It's mostly diet. Stomach fat is the last to go on a lot of people. You can do ab work all you want, but if your diet isn't in check then you won't lose that fat. Just focus on a fullbody strength routine and watch your diet. Eventually you'll start seeing some results. :)
  • Beautycurvepose
    Beautycurvepose Posts: 18 Member
    Yeah im strict with my diet just been going over the carbs part. I restrict myself to 50 carbs but been eating 100 carbs and thank you for the advice! I didn't know the tummy is the last thing to go on many people grr lol