Tired of being the fat girl with a pretty face!



  • gotchakatja
    gotchakatja Posts: 44 Member
    Welcome! :D I hope you enjoy this site! Feel free to add me if you want any more support.
  • Jayfo1
    Jayfo1 Posts: 1
    Welcome Amanda,

    I just joined about a week ago and loving it! Please feel free to add me to your list! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Welcome to the MFP Party! Have a Jack and Diet (just 60 calories.. lol).

    Congrats on starting your journey. It's a long hard road, but worth it in the end. I too had a stressful job that helped pack on the lbs (damn retail) so I know where you are coming from. Feel free to add me.
  • rebewck
    rebewck Posts: 14
    I just started doing this a week ago, and the support is more than I'd ever expect!! It's been wonderful and it's amazing how just tracking your food makes you realize how you're supposed to eat, drink, etc... feel free to add me!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member

    I hit a plateau for most of may, but I've lost 3lbs in the last 5 days now that I increased my calorie intake and using my brand new fitbit :)
    LOVE THIS! Someone who trusted in increasing cals also...AND a fellow fitbit user!

    Hi Amanda! Welcome! There is no shortage of support here...or opinions! Lol! It's a fun supportive place!
  • turbogirl4christ
    Welcome!! You've got this girl!!! :)
  • nikkim41
    nikkim41 Posts: 6 Member
    I understand how you feel please feel free to add me. I just started this a little over a week ago and am determined to get down to my goal weight!
  • Julli923
    Julli923 Posts: 1
    Hi Amanda! I'm 27 too and just started out here myself. I read a lot of myself with your post - I weigh about the same (115 pounds to lose) with a stressful job that has caused a lot of my weight gain. We can do this! :)
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome. I have been here almost 2 years and found a lot of success! You CAN do it; believe in yourself and we are here to support you! Add me as a friend! :-)Anne
  • Jude1064
    Jude1064 Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome!! You will love this site. I joined almost 2 months ago. I have already lost 26 pounds and I am feeling great! You are much younger than me so I am sure you will do wonderfully. I am so glad that you are doing this for you. I wish I would have done it years ago. Add me if you like!!!
  • Emilylet
    Emilylet Posts: 4
    I know you can do it!

    I too, had a very stressful job for about five years I worked 15 hours days non-stop. You know what is funny, when I quit and decided to be a student and at home care giver I gained more weight and lost all motivation to exercise. My point is that, you cannot make any excuses and health just has to be your first priority. Pack your "healthy food" for the whole day breakfast, snacks and lunch and commit to taking it every single day for 21 days. Dinner can wait-you will fix that next but start there and don't let anything stop you for 21 days-weekends included. Eat whatever you want for dinner but workout 5 days a week if you are going to do that.

    I am almost to my goal and that's where I started, it took a while to get my husband used to it (that is why you should start with the early day meals)

    Good luck!!
  • TealStar13
    TealStar13 Posts: 165
    Hello and welcome! You will find lots of people that are willing to help and cheer for you all the way through your journey on this site. :) We all have faith in you. Do it! Do it! :bigsmile:
  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome! If you need a friend for support and motivation feel free to 'friend' me =) Nice to meet you!
  • middleofseven
    I want to invite you to be my friend. I can relate to your story. I am 52 and wish I had found a program like this when I was in my 20's. Good luck in all your endevors. You can do it. Be all that you want to be, not what others want but do it for yourself. You deserve it.
  • dlf88
    dlf88 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, you can add me I just joined today and I want to get my dream figure this YEAR!!
  • OzarkLakeLady
    I have two fur babies who have become my walking partners - a 7yr old and 1 1/2 yr old labs. My journey started 7 months ago, about 20 pounds over where you are, so stay with it. It will happen - promise! :flowerforyou:
    If you don't have one, may I suggest a Fitbit, or other personal fitness device? I tried several, but LOVE :love: my Fitbit. It keeps me so motivated - and honest - so I am seeing a lot of success.
    Plus, no guessing. Did I get my steps in? Just push a button and I know if I am done, or not.
    Love to challenge myself to do "just a little more."
    I am on every day as are many others. Please feel free to add me. Would like to hear about your progress!!
  • LovleeGirl
    LovleeGirl Posts: 18
    Hi I am new as well, today I luckily ran across this site and decided it was the best place to begin my weight loss journey. I am a 19 years old and I tip the scale with 250 pounds. I hope to drop at least 5 pounds by my 20th birthday next month. My short term goal is to drop 40 to 60 pounds by the end of the year and my long term goal is to drop between 85 and 105 pounds within the next 2 years. My main problem is eating out of bordem or when im not hungry. Weight Watchers worked for me years ago but I believe counting calories is an easier and more inexspensive route to take. . as in the more you eat the more you have to log in. Hopefully within the next few months we can see great changes that will definatley put huge grins on all of our faces. Feel free to add me, and I wish everyone the best of luck!
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    Feel free to add me! I know what it's like and I was the fat kid for most of my life! I would love to help anyway I can
  • dragunfly
    dragunfly Posts: 48
    I joined myfitnesspal last year some time and never really knew what it had to offer until now...I hadn't had any friends for encouragment or support...this is great to see others that are struggling like me...My name is Melissa and I have a long ways to go...I am currently at 230 lbs and want to lose 85 lbs...I am with you all ....I'm tired of being told but you have such a pretty face...I want the whole package...If any of you want some support or want to help support...I'm open...Friend me...
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    Add me! I used to be the pretty faced fat girl, now I'm the pretty faced medium sized girl! LOL!