Always Hungry



  • fightingthetemptation
    drink lots and lots of water.

    i always find that diet coke suppresses my appetite. as do cigarettes but of course that's not for everybody
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I don't have much advice, I'm just kind of comparing what I saw in your diary compared to what I do (because I rarely feel hungry). First, rice krispie cereal for breakfast never works for me, its like eating air, I have to have something with a lot of fiber like raisin bran or oatmeal along with a yogurt. The other thing I noticed is I don't see a lot of vegetables in your diary. At least one meal a day I eat a big salad before my meal, it seems like I eat less and stay full longer when I do that. I also like carrots or celery with yogurt dip or hummus when I need a snack and that really sticks with me too. Hope that helps a little!
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    bump - some good answers
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I don't know if anyone else said this, but I drink water in between meals and snacks. I eat something every 2 hours. Also, what everyone else said is true. Eat protein because it keeps you full longer.
  • tiguer
    tiguer Posts: 37 Member
    I think protein and VEGGIES will help. I eat a lot of veggies and I feel like I am constantly eating but I'm rarely starving or super hungry. I try to make all or most of my snacks either a fruit or a veggie. I also try to eat veggies with both lunch and dinner.
  • thebutteredtoast
    Thanks for the replies everyone! I've noticed that I'm a heavy carb eater - which I never noticed before.

    Before I started tracking everything, I wasn't eating right at all. I was only eating one - two meals a day and now that I'm tracking things and working out, it seems as if I'm always hungry.

    I do need to up my veggie intake - I'm not a big veggie fan though: any suggestions?

    And for high fiber and protein things, what do you all suggest? I seem to be lacking in that area of expertise when it comes to adding those things to my diet.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Unsalted nuts were the quickest thing that I noticed that curbed my hunger - particularly cashews and almonds
  • tiguer
    tiguer Posts: 37 Member
    Veggies - try a nice big salad. I LOVE making a salad with mixed spring green (like 2-3 cups!), craisins, cashews, a cut up apple and raspberry vinaigrette. It's a very yummy salad. I bring this to work for lunch at least 3 times a week. it's easily 2-3 veggie servings and a fruit too...gets you closer to the magic 7-10 fruits and veggies a day.

    For snacks I usually grab baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, sliced green peppers, cauliflower, brocolli etc. If you don't like plain veggies, try a low fat yogurt dip or dressing - just don't go overboard. There is a recipe floating around out there for making caulfilower mashed potatos. (no potatoes involved and it tastes pretty close to mashed potatoes!)

    Also - if I make a sandwich, I fill it up with a slice of tomato and lettuce. It will really bulk up that sandwich without adding much for calories.

    I try to put veggies in stuff too. If I make eggs or an omelette, I always dice up bell peppers and onions and toss those in. Mushrooms count too! You can add spinach to a fruit smoothie too.

    With our dinners-I always keep frozen veggies on hand and I cook them up as a side to the main dish. I usually put at least 1 cup of them on my plate and I eat them first. They fill me up so I don't go back for seconds of the main dish.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Before I started tracking everything, I wasn't eating right at all. I was only eating one - two meals a day and now that I'm tracking things and working out, it seems as if I'm always hungry. I do need to up my veggie intake - I'm not a big veggie fan though: any suggestions? And for high fiber and protein things, what do you all suggest? I seem to be lacking in that area of expertise when it comes to adding those things to my diet.

    Everyone likes different stuff. This is where it's your job to educate yourself. Read the recipe section. Friend some people and watch their food diaries. Subscribe to Women's Health. Read lots of nutrition labels. Google some tasty recipes. Go to the store, and look at all those crazy green objects that are just off to the side when you come in. Shop the perimeter before you hit the aisles... if at all.

    For what it's worth, I probably lost 30 pounds just by dropping breakfast cereal alone. Build new habits a little bit at a time!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    your diary is really low in fat and protein. You should be reaching your fat and protein goals. Those are the things that keep you satiated. Fats don't make you at, don't be afraid to eat these from healthy sources.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Is it really hunger?? I ask myself that all the time! Try and eat high fiber foods. They will stay with you longer!
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    You could try a protein shake that contains fibre. It works for me, and I would graze on food all day soon as I got an overload of carbs in my system, it just seemed like the MOAR! girl was roaring inside me..., the shakes have really helped.
  • latinlady435
    latinlady435 Posts: 33 Member
    I have this same problem lately
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    try roasting veggies with some olive oil. You'll get healthy fats and roasting veggies adds a whole new flavor to them. I love roasted broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, pretty much anything
  • nancyki
    nancyki Posts: 46
    I recommend you eat more protein. Protein is much more effective at controlling hunger pangs than carbs or fats. Aim to consume at least 45 grams one day and see how you feel. Protein dense foods include eggs, milk, tuna, etc...
  • miniberger
    miniberger Posts: 70 Member
    I LOVE this recipe! And talk about FILLING!

    I tweaked though:

    1/4 cup steel cut oats
    2 tbls chia seeds
    fill mason jar to 1.5" from the top of the jar with almond milk
    2 tbls peanut butter (natural- not that jiffy crap)

    Mix in advance.
    Heat in the microwave for 1.5 mins
    Add sliced bananas

    you could also add a dollup of greek yogurt and some blueberries (calorically cheaper)...

    approximately 350 cals. SO GOOD.

    I eat them every work day.
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    I recommend you eat more protein. Protein is much more effective at controlling hunger pangs than carbs or fats. Aim to consume at least 45 grams one day and see how you feel. Protein dense foods include eggs, milk, tuna, etc...

    Tuna is SO awesome for a healthy filling meal - I also have been eating sardines a lot too. If you like tuna try sardines - they are so good and are loaded with Omega 3
  • ctooch99
    ctooch99 Posts: 459 Member
    Veggies - try a nice big salad. I LOVE making a salad with mixed spring green (like 2-3 cups!), craisins, cashews, a cut up apple and raspberry vinaigrette. It's a very yummy salad. I bring this to work for lunch at least 3 times a week. it's easily 2-3 veggie servings and a fruit too...gets you closer to the magic 7-10 fruits and veggies a day.

    For snacks I usually grab baby carrots, sliced cucumbers, sliced green peppers, cauliflower, brocolli etc. If you don't like plain veggies, try a low fat yogurt dip or dressing - just don't go overboard. There is a recipe floating around out there for making caulfilower mashed potatos. (no potatoes involved and it tastes pretty close to mashed potatoes!)

    Also - if I make a sandwich, I fill it up with a slice of tomato and lettuce. It will really bulk up that sandwich without adding much for calories.

    I try to put veggies in stuff too. If I make eggs or an omelette, I always dice up bell peppers and onions and toss those in. Mushrooms count too! You can add spinach to a fruit smoothie too.

    With our dinners-I always keep frozen veggies on hand and I cook them up as a side to the main dish. I usually put at least 1 cup of them on my plate and I eat them first. They fill me up so I don't go back for seconds of the main dish.

    Protein dense veggies work really great for hunger too (at least for me) - particularly artichokes, avocados, olives and beans - love your suggestion on cauliflower mashed "potato" - I am gonna try to find that recipe!
  • wright1212
    My kids LOVE roasted veggies. We do red potatoes, carrots, onions, celery with a little olive oil and italian seasoning. Try to not do too many starchy veggies, it will not help. So not too many corn, carrots, and potatoes. We love our salads. Things we use to help our picky eater with salads: flavored croutons, blue cheese crumbles, dried cranberries. Most of all yummy dressing but be sure to measure portions! My really bad favorite is poppy seed or hidden valley ranch. My good healthy one is low fat asiago italian!
  • tiguer
    tiguer Posts: 37 Member
    Protein dense veggies work really great for hunger too (at least for me) - particularly artichokes, avocados, olives and beans - love your suggestion on cauliflower mashed "potato" - I am gonna try to find that recipe!

    I think it is an Adkins or South Beach recipe - but its a great way to get those mashed potatoes without all the carbs.