Vomiting after exercise?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    HIIT is not something that should be done for 45 minutes. Assuming it's TRUE HIIT and not some watered down version, if you CAN do it for more than say 20-30 minutes you're doing it wrong. Pushing yourself to 45 minutes with TRUE HIIT is a recipe for disaster...
    It sounds like they changed a lot and that it's not true traditional HIIT. HIIT and it's Tabata variant, in their true and purest form, typically only consist of one exercise that works as many muscles as possible (such as burpees or mountain climbers). Fatiguing this muscle group with high speed and high intensity and then letting it (and your heart) rest before you go again. Changing it up to sets of different exercises somewhat robs you of the benefit.

    I see what you're saying but I respectfully disagree. I'm thinking this class is based on HIIT principles and is basically like my metabolic/spartacus type workouts. I do 9-10 mins then get a 1 min break, and repeat for 3-5 cycles. It's goooooood.

    The reason for mixing up the exercises instead of just doing one like burpees or moutain climbers is twofold. One, it's hard to sell a class where people do burpees for 30 mins straight. It would be boring and how long till people questioned why they needed to pay for a membership? Two, more importantly, by mixing the exercises up you keep lactic acid from building up in any particular area. So you burpees followed by spiderman pushups followed by lunges followed by sprinting in place.
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    At least you don't vomit during

  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Probably just pushed yourself a little too hard. I used to do track workouts every Wednesday and would always puke afterwards. It tends to happen more when you overheat. Try to sip water during exercise and drink more after so it's not sloshing around in your stomach. Hydrate well the day before exercise so you won't become dehydrated. Also make sure to wear loose fitting, breathable clothing. Bring an ice pack to cool yourself down if you start feeling too hot or just slow down.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Funny only a few have experienced this. It's normal for athletes when they are pushed all the way to the max. Swimming, track, football, all those kinds of sports, athletes puke after or during. It's just from being pushed so hard your body can't take it. It's not bad though. Lol. But, at that point, unless you're a Navy Seal, take a break.
  • SweetCheekszx0
    SweetCheekszx0 Posts: 478 Member
    If I drink water before excercising for example HIT ski steps jump rope or jumping jax while I'm moving I can feel an upset feeling in my tummy along with a whoosh of water swirling around in my tummy as I jump up in down. Kinda like shaking a water bottle.. Not cool I skip the water and drink a small cup of coffee does the trick for me
  • A similar thing happened to me yesterday. I worked out at a pretty normal level for me, but probably went into it underhydrated. I wasn't feeling great for the last few minutes, then downed a powerade and a water bottle, then puked when I got home. Since I puked up water, and not food or bile (TMI? sorry), I assumed it was the water intake so quickly after the workout, combined with starting out underhydrated. I worked out longer and harder today, but drank more before and slowly during and after and I feel fine.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I throw up at some point during my team training sessions at least once or twice a month, especially at the start of the season.
  • HIIT is not something that should be done for 45 minutes. Assuming it's TRUE HIIT and not some watered down version, if you CAN do it for more than say 20-30 minutes you're doing it wrong. Pushing yourself to 45 minutes with TRUE HIIT is a recipe for disaster...

    If the 45 min includes the rest interval, then 45 min of HIT is indeed possible. a 5 x 5min on, 5min off VO2 session would be an example (for instance, a runner who has a 4:50 best in the mile runs 5 x 5min miles with 5 min of easy jogging in between efforts).

    Tabata is the same. A Tabata protocol set (which really only works with speed skating, cycling, running, swimming, cross-country ski, etc.. -- it's a VO2 interval set with a stronger lactate tolerance component -- just doing any activity hard for :20 on :10 off doesn't elicit VO2 max) of 10 x :20 on, :10 off yields a similar HR response and average power output as a 5min steady, all-out effort. It can't be continued after 5min unless someone has an exceptional anaerobic capacity. But, I've seen elite swimmers and cyclists do 5-6 sets of Tabatas in a single session.

    Likewise, a swimmer doing a set of 10 x 100m on 4min rest or runner doing 10 x 400m under 60 sec, would end up being a 40-45min workout, and would definitely be considered HIT if each 400m was a maximal effort generating large concentrations of lactate.

    Vomiting usually happens when someone who is not adapted to repeated anaerobic efforts has to go "into the red" frequently during an interval session. After some adaptation, you don't puke anymore -- presuming that the interval load of the workout is within the athlete's capacities. If it's a clear case of too much too soon, all bets are off.
  • simplydawnb
    simplydawnb Posts: 6 Member
    This is so true...too much water before and during = puke sessions. Slow and steady on the water during activity!
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Be proud of it. A freind of mine at a rival school used to say if you didn't throw up after a 400m race, you must not have been trying hard enough. My suggestion from experience, is to eat a handful of froot loops before a workout. It doesn't make your stomach and better or worse, but if you vomit, it looks like a rainbow!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So glad I've reached the age where I no longer feel compelled to work out until I puke. My guess is that you pushed yourself too hard, that plus a belly full of water:drinker: