Looking for like-minded support...

Hi! I am brand new to this site (although sadly not new to the weight loss game...) and I'm really excited to have found such a great tool. I'm in the mindset now where I want to lose this weight once and for all and it would be great to talk to other people on a similar weight loss journey (with the added bonus that I can stop boring my family and friends about it).

I'm trying what I suppose is a low carb approach - really I'm focused on reducing grains and sugar as much as possible, while keeping foods as whole and natural as I can - so following people with a similar approach would be a great motivator.

I'm a 27 year old single girl living in London and can only blame my weight on over-indulging and under-exercising (I love food and I hate to sweat, but I'm in the process of changing that mindset!)

Ultimately I'd like to lose 40 pounds. If you could do with an extra buddy for support, then please do add me :-)


  • getyourbeans
    getyourbeans Posts: 80 Member
    Shameless bump...
  • sexycheesemonkey
    sexycheesemonkey Posts: 196 Member
    Here's your Welcome Wagon!!


    Welcome welcome welcome, a fine welcome to you!
    Welcome welcome welcome I say "how do you do?"
    Welcome welcome welcome I say "Hipp hipp hurray!"
    Welcome welcome welcome to M.F.P Todaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!

    Wait for it....


    (feel free to add me!)
  • lumayaa
    lumayaa Posts: 19
    woohoo I am also from London and hoping to lose about 40lbs!!
    feel free to add me :D
    we can support eahother !