I need motivation!

:wink: I started MFP in May and did great the first month withing counting calories and losing weight. Then I stopeed counting calories and i havent gained any but havent lost any. i started couting calories again this week and need to start exercising- need some motivation and ideas for workouts. I sit at a desk all day so i would like some desk ones to do while i am working :wink:


  • mojomcgee
    mojomcgee Posts: 50
    Wow we are nearly in the same boat. I too lost 10 lbs at first and am hanging there after 2 months. At my desk I have a small soft weighted ball I think 1.5 lbs (the kind you get when you buy the big exercise ball) and I hold it between my knees and raise and lower my legs in various positions. I also do arm exercises with it when I need to stretch or just need a break. My big ball popped but if it hadn't I would be allowed to bring it into the office and sit on it instead of a desk chair. A lot of people here do it and it gives you the opportunity to exercise all day as you maintain your balance on it while you work.