How to get back on the wagon?

I'm currently off the weight loss/ diet/ life style change wagon. I fell off in April when my life got really busy ( I wont bore you with the details). Since then, it's been too much spring fun, food, and more life. I just didn't seem to care anymore.
Now my weight is obviously creeping back up, I haven't been exercising, and making too many bad choices with food. My finances are tighter and I'm stressed out.


I want to get back at it but can't DRAG my butt back up on that wagon.

So, my question...... has anyone been in these shoes and how did you get back on the right track?


  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    A couple of factors worked for me this time around.

    Primarily, i was looking at getting healthy, losing the weight would be a secondary benefit that would happen along the way.
    I wasn't focusing so much on the scale- it matter more to me how I felt about what I saw in the mirror, not what the scale had to say. Know this will take some time, and be patient. This is not a diet- you are making small, permanent, healthier changes that you will live with.

    The biggest obstacle to steer clear of? The "oh I screwed up today, I'll start over again tomorrow" mantra. Tomorrow becomes, the next day, then entire week, after the holiday, etc . . ..You will stumble now and then- we are all human. Pick yourself up by your boot straps, put your big girl panties on and own the bad/poor choice and get back in it- Not the next day, next week . . NOW!

    You are worth it!
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm climbing back on today after falling off in April as well. You can add me if you like.

    Yesterday I logged my food for the first time in a while.

    Today I looked in the fridge to see what healthy stuff needed to be eaten, and planned out my entire day, which I didn't do before, and prob won't keep doing in the long run, but it's helping for now.

    I've planned out my exercise program for the next 6 weeks - nothing crazy. Just Stronglifts 5x5 program and yoga/pilates on off-days. Stuff I already like doing and had seen great results with before. Since the workouts are short but extremely effective, I know I can tell myself "it's just half an hour". And I know I'll begin seeing results in 7-10 days, which is a great motivator.
  • bigfoote_03
    bigfoote_03 Posts: 8 Member
    I fell off my diet but I was still working out but way over eating and put on about 10 lbs this last winter. I made a commitment to myself and my two boys one in seventh grade and the other in his third year of college that I would stay healthy and be there for them. I want to see my boys grow up and be there to support them and see my future grand babies. That is what motivates me with all the stress of work and fiancees I love to go for a long run or walk and clear my mind and de stress. Life is way to short as it is i dont want to make it any shorter for myself and for nothing else do it for yourself :-)
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    You know, I always felt I start my "Diet" at the wrong times. Ie, few weeks before a major holiday! That's when it all goes south. I will then go the next few weeks ignoring my diet.

    Yet, you have this, MFP. Use it.

    That being said, you fell off the horse. So what. Get back on and tame it!
  • aphrogirl2002
    I fell off a few weeks ago as well.

    I figured I'd take baby steps.

    First I tried to drink more water again.

    Next I started logging my food and spending more time on this website in general.

    Which prompted me to start making healthier eating choices.

    Before I knew it I was back on track!