I need to kick artifical sweetners HOW???



  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    The point to not using artificial sweeteners is HUGE! It's not about the calories it's about the foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body that your body does NOT know how to digest! It's like poison! So the best thing to do is either not use them at all or use good ole fashioned organic sugar in moderation. That is the only way to go for the most healthy choice and you will benefit so much from it! In my opinion artificial sweeteners should be banned and no longer allowed in stores. They are highly toxic! So unless you are detoxing constantly it's not a good idea. I would just stay away from them altogether. For example, Just drink your coffee black...that is what I do. I used to drink all those fancy coffees at starbucks and caribou but after changing my ways and my very bad habits I have learned to live a life without sweeteners and high calorie coffees. Once you get used to it, you will be fine and your body will thank you for it! :o)
    sorry, but that's just not true!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    Speak for yourself. Everyone is different! One diet coke and I'm famished for the day. I don't use artificial sweetners. period. It needs sweetened I use sugar, honey or maple syrup (the real stuff). I drink my coffee black and water most of the time. Occasionally I will sweeten my coffee with truvia and it does not cause a huge reaction in me.
  • KS_4691
    KS_4691 Posts: 228 Member
    Just don't.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I'm allergic to Saccharin & NutraSweet, so I am limited to Splenda & Stevia. I have also used Aquve nectar as well, wasn't too bad and was low-gylemic which is a plus.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    try your coffee and tea black. You get used to it. Also stay away from the processed foods.
  • MichelleMcClung
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    The point to not using artificial sweeteners is HUGE! It's not about the calories it's about the foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body that your body does NOT know how to digest! It's like poison! So the best thing to do is either not use them at all or use good ole fashioned organic sugar in moderation. That is the only way to go for the most healthy choice and you will benefit so much from it! In my opinion artificial sweeteners should be banned and no longer allowed in stores. They are highly toxic! So unless you are detoxing constantly it's not a good idea. I would just stay away from them altogether. For example, Just drink your coffee black...that is what I do. I used to drink all those fancy coffees at starbucks and caribou but after changing my ways and my very bad habits I have learned to live a life without sweeteners and high calorie coffees. Once you get used to it, you will be fine and your body will thank you for it! :o)
    sorry, but that's just not true!

    Sorry but YES that IS true!!! Artificial sweeteners are toxic. Do your research!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Feel free to look at my diary. I eat real sugars all the time. I have no cravings. No binges. Just a happy stomach. Sugars aren't evil as long as you manage your diet.
  • MichelleMcClung
    @Meggles 63 Anything processed which INCLUDES artificial sweeteners is TOXIC to the human body! Anyone who wants to argue that or say differently is incorrect. If you do your research and follow through with eating all organic foods without any artificial ANYTHING you will SEE and FEEL the difference. This is a FACT!
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    The point to not using artificial sweeteners is HUGE! It's not about the calories it's about the foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body that your body does NOT know how to digest! It's like poison! So the best thing to do is either not use them at all or use good ole fashioned organic sugar in moderation. That is the only way to go for the most healthy choice and you will benefit so much from it! In my opinion artificial sweeteners should be banned and no longer allowed in stores. They are highly toxic! So unless you are detoxing constantly it's not a good idea. I would just stay away from them altogether. For example, Just drink your coffee black...that is what I do. I used to drink all those fancy coffees at starbucks and caribou but after changing my ways and my very bad habits I have learned to live a life without sweeteners and high calorie coffees. Once you get used to it, you will be fine and your body will thank you for it! :o)
    sorry, but that's just not true!

    Sorry but YES that IS true!!! Artificial sweeteners are toxic. Do your research!

    I completely agree. I argue with people about this all the time. I have lots of nutritionists and various other people who tell me I'm wrong, yet they don't know the chemistry behind it. I know chemistry and I know some of the best industry experts in chemistry (who do the chemical engineering of things like artificial sweeteners) and a number of artificial sweeteners are very bad. That being said, there are actually good ones that have essentially no ill effect on the average human body. Even then, the good ones are often some pretty nasty chemicals that are only "safe" by virtue of their low solubility in our digestive system. It's just not worth it in my opinion. If I told you to swallow a container full of poison and said it's fine because your body won't open the container, would you still take it? I wouldn't. Especially when the container leaks...
  • MichelleMcClung
    Personally I don't see the point. Life has gotten be sweetened up somehow and real sugar adds too many calories and carbs. And contrary to popular belief, consuming artificial sugar does not make you crave real sugar.

    The point to not using artificial sweeteners is HUGE! It's not about the calories it's about the foreign chemicals that you are putting into your body that your body does NOT know how to digest! It's like poison! So the best thing to do is either not use them at all or use good ole fashioned organic sugar in moderation. That is the only way to go for the most healthy choice and you will benefit so much from it! In my opinion artificial sweeteners should be banned and no longer allowed in stores. They are highly toxic! So unless you are detoxing constantly it's not a good idea. I would just stay away from them altogether. For example, Just drink your coffee black...that is what I do. I used to drink all those fancy coffees at starbucks and caribou but after changing my ways and my very bad habits I have learned to live a life without sweeteners and high calorie coffees. Once you get used to it, you will be fine and your body will thank you for it! :o)
    sorry, but that's just not true!

    Sorry but YES that IS true!!! Artificial sweeteners are toxic. Do your research!

    I completely agree. I argue with people about this all the time. I have lots of nutritionists and various other people who tell me I'm wrong, yet they don't know the chemistry behind it. I know chemistry and I know some of the best industry experts in chemistry (who do the chemical engineering of things like artificial sweeteners) and a number of artificial sweeteners are very bad. That being said, there are actually good ones that have essentially no ill effect on the average human body. Even then, the good ones are often some pretty nasty chemicals that are only "safe" by virtue of their low solubility in our digestive system. It's just not worth it in my opinion. If I told you to swallow a container full of poison and said it's fine because your body won't open the container, would you still take it? I wouldn't. Especially when the container leaks...

    EXACTLY!! Thank YOU for saying this! So many people have NO idea how bad they are for the body. And I agree with you, it's just best to stay away from them altogether. Not worth it to me! I would rather have no sweetener at all than have poison in my body. When the body takes in these kinds of poisons it can trigger the body to want to protect it by storing fat to keep the poison away from certain organs and cells within the body. It's SERIOUS! I have learned all of this on my journey to healthy living! I used to drink Crystal Lite ALL the time. But NO more!! Even Diet soda is more harmful than regular soda. Both are TERRIBLE for you but I would take the regular over the diet any day. The body does NOT recognize the sweetener as FOOD, when you take sweeteners it confuses it and does way more harm than good. Counting calories should not be that big of an issue for you to the point that you need sweeteners to make it through the day. If you eat clean and organic and drink lots of filtered water you will live a lot longer healthier and Happier life. It's just a fact! People you can NOT argue FACTS here...lol
  • LaPatrizia
    LaPatrizia Posts: 10 Member
    Xylitol is good- try the brand called Ideal Sweetener. It tastes just like sugar and is natural.

    If you have pets, be very careful as this is extremely toxic to dogs -- even in very small doses.
    This is the reason I don't buy it .... I don't even want them licking my plate/bowl with something I used this in.

    Sorry to go off topic :)

    Yes! Very true. Just like avocados, raisins, and chocolate. Definitely keep away from pets.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    @Meggles 63 Anything processed which INCLUDES artificial sweeteners is TOXIC to the human body! Anyone who wants to argue that or say differently is incorrect. If you do your research and follow through with eating all organic foods without any artificial ANYTHING you will SEE and FEEL the difference. This is a FACT!

    Stop making things up.
  • MichelleMcClung
    @Meggles 63 Anything processed which INCLUDES artificial sweeteners is TOXIC to the human body! Anyone who wants to argue that or say differently is incorrect. If you do your research and follow through with eating all organic foods without any artificial ANYTHING you will SEE and FEEL the difference. This is a FACT!

    Stop making things up.

    I'm NOT making things up!!!! Seriously! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Why would I waste my time saying this? You think I just sit around making things up to cause a debate?? Splenda and anything similar to it is TOXIC. I don't care if you believe me or not! It's your body so if you want to put toxic chemicals in it and take that chance that is YOUR choice. But for anyone out there that doesn't know this they need to at least have a chance to hear the truth and figure it out for themselves. IF you do your proper research you will find these things out. Even top trainers like Jillian Michaels and Tony Horton of P90X would tell you the SAME THING!! So get your head out of your *kitten* and YOU STOP MAKING THINGS UP! You are calling me a LIAR and I don't appreciate it!! You obviously are CLUELESS to the FACTS!
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    @Meggles 63 Anything processed which INCLUDES artificial sweeteners is TOXIC to the human body! Anyone who wants to argue that or say differently is incorrect. If you do your research and follow through with eating all organic foods without any artificial ANYTHING you will SEE and FEEL the difference. This is a FACT!

    Stop making things up.

    I'm NOT making things up!!!! Seriously! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Why would I waste my time saying this? You think I just sit around making things up to cause a debate?? Splenda and anything similar to it is TOXIC. I don't care if you believe me or not! It's your body so if you want to put toxic chemicals in it and take that chance that is YOUR choice. But for anyone out there that doesn't know this they need to at least have a chance to hear the truth and figure it out for themselves. IF you do your proper research you will find these things out. Even top trainers like Jillian Michaels and Tony Horton of P90X would tell you the SAME THING!! So get your head out of your *kitten* and YOU STOP MAKING THINGS UP! You are calling me a LIAR and I don't appreciate it!! You obviously are CLUELESS to the FACTS!


    Not surprising that you believe this nonsense, when you listen to morons like Tony Horton and Jillian Michaels. How about actually citing peer-reviewed, scientific evidence of your nonsensical claims?

    If you actually did YOUR research, you would see that everything you believe is wrong.


    The safety testing of aspartame has gone well beyond that required to evaluate the safety of a food additive. When all the research on aspartame, including evaluations in both the premarketing and postmarketing periods, is examined as a whole, it is clear that aspartame is safe, and there are no unresolved questions regarding its safety under conditions of intended use.


    These results further document the safety of the long-term consumption of aspartame at doses equivalent to the amount of aspartame in approximately 10 L of beverage per day.


    Sucralose (Splenda):

    The collective evidence supports the conclusion that the ingredient, sucralose, is safe for use in food and that the sucralose-mixture product, Granulated SPLENDA® No Calorie Sweetener, is also safe for its intended use.


    Based on these studies and the extensive animal safety database, there is no indication that adverse effects on human health would occur from frequent or long-term exposure to sucralose at the maximum anticipated levels of intake.



    Instead of listening to alarmist websites and "celebrity" trainers with no real qualifications, look at the actual science before making these ridiculous claims.


  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    Use cane sugar or honey.. lol they're not artificial. :p
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    @Meggles 63 Anything processed which INCLUDES artificial sweeteners is TOXIC to the human body! Anyone who wants to argue that or say differently is incorrect. If you do your research and follow through with eating all organic foods without any artificial ANYTHING you will SEE and FEEL the difference. This is a FACT!

    Stop making things up.

    I'm NOT making things up!!!! Seriously! DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Why would I waste my time saying this? You think I just sit around making things up to cause a debate?? Splenda and anything similar to it is TOXIC. I don't care if you believe me or not! It's your body so if you want to put toxic chemicals in it and take that chance that is YOUR choice. But for anyone out there that doesn't know this they need to at least have a chance to hear the truth and figure it out for themselves. IF you do your proper research you will find these things out. Even top trainers like Jillian Michaels and Tony Horton of P90X would tell you the SAME THING!! So get your head out of your *kitten* and YOU STOP MAKING THINGS UP! You are calling me a LIAR and I don't appreciate it!! You obviously are CLUELESS to the FACTS!
    Water and oxygen can be toxic.....along with thousands of natural substances.......you need to apply some context and dosage to your blanket statement.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    google fda and type in your questioned sweetner. They have some good info.

    I personally don't touch the stuff other than whats in my protein shakes.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    google fda and type in your questioned sweetner. They have some good info.

    Better yet, use Google Scholar and type in:

    splenda safety

    aspartame safety

  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I use honey for my yogurt, oatmeal. I drink black coffee. If I use something else it's sugar, white or brown. If you can't find space in you diet for 15 cals per tsp, 60 cals for a T of honey, maybe reevaluate your other foods.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow - Thanks for the feedback! Didn't mean to start something...but I agree that artifical sweetners just aren't good for you. I will try some of your suggestions...and you're right in moderation the real thing isn't that bad. Also I might try black coffee :ohwell:

    Thanks again!!!!!!