The Fantastic 8 Month Plateau!

Three and a half years ago, I started my millionth weight loss attempt after scuba diving on my honeymoon and discovering I was too fat float. Most embarrassing moment ever. Since then, I have lost 60 pounds. Sounds pretty good, right? Right...until you figure that I average just over a quarter pound a week in weight loss. I lose weight at a snail's pace. For the first three years, I was okay with that, but I haven't budged the scale since October. And I'm so so tired of it.

What started as an honest-to-goodness plateau has changed into an utter lack of motivation. One of the main reasons I'm posting this right now is because it is the final barrier between me and a huge bag of M&Ms calling my name from the cafeteria. When confronted with snacks in the past, I would ask myself "Would I rather eat the chocolate or would I rather lose weight this week?" Easy answer. After 3.5 years though, it's getting harder to choose.

Here's my progress so far: (hopefully this will show up, I've never posted a picture before...

What do you do when you feel unmotivated? How do you beat an 8-month plateau?
I know, I know...suck it up, eat right, and stop whining...but can't I just whine a little?


  • adswillis27
    adswillis27 Posts: 76 Member
    How long have you been tracking your calories? I see that you only have the past few days logged in your diary and you were under your goal by quite a bit.

    What have you changed if anything in the past 8 months? Have you tried to eat more or less? Switched up exercise? Or are you doing the same thing you have been doing?

    Slow weight loss is a good thing. I think you will be more likely to keep it off if you worked hard to lose it at a steady pace.

    Can you share a little more info with us?

    ps. you can certainly whine a little, as long as you don't let the whining take over your progress ! ;)
  • PSmillie
    PSmillie Posts: 26 Member
    I tracked everything for the first three years, but I did it on paper instead of online. I've gone as low as 1200 calories and as high as 1500. I eat a lot of protein (I shoot for 100 grams per day) and all my carbs are whole wheat.

    We used to go the gym three times a week. After three months of plateau, we switched to P90X. Added some muscle according to my body scan, but didn't lose any weight.

    I eat about 1,270 calories per day with 100 grams of protein and 35 grams of fiber, plus 50 minutes of exercise 5 or 6 days a week. And I don't eat my "burned" calories from exercise. I think that's why I always look under.