Looking for friends who are RUNNERS!

Meevz Posts: 11 Member
Hey, I like to run everyday and trying to find support/tips/motivation from fellow runners. If you like to run regularly, add me!!


  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    I'm a runner - goal is to run two half marathons by the end of the year. Even if I only do one half, at least run the length of a half more than once. :)

    I run anywhere from 15-25 miles a week, depending on where I am and the weather. I'm obsessed with it, to be honest. It's my cheap therapy.

  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Love to run! Always looking for other runner for support and advice! Feel free to add me! Mike
  • livinfitanfun
    Hey you can add me a well. I really love to run and push myself hard. Always looking for fellow runners for movitvation and tips! Today I ran (nonstop) a little over 5 mile in a little over a hour. Would have been shorter but I had to run through lights and huge hills but loved every minute of it.