


  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Fill a 4 oz. juice glass with half OJ and half olive oil. Drink.

    Let me know how it goes.

    LOL!!!!!! Sorry, I find that "let me know how it goes" funny!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    eat a huge salad- like 5 cups of greens, cut out processed stuff, drink more water, and take a stool softner. then stay close to a toliet.
  • Lil_MiSsSunshiNe
    I hear if you douche your *kitten* that usually helps.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I was contantly constipated even though I drink lots of water and veges. I started taking a once a day cenovis fish oil tablet with omega 3 and very happy to say I am back to normal. I was drinking lots of water, eating heaps of spinach and veges and also eating fish a few times a week, none of these worked for me.
  • HipsBreastsandMore
    HipsBreastsandMore Posts: 51 Member
    Drink a tablespoon of castor's not a pleasant taste but your bloating problems will be down the drain (literally)
  • DarkNebula84
    DarkNebula84 Posts: 445 Member
    You don`t! unless you resort to laxatives!!! not recommended!!!

    Plan ahead next time ;-)

    A can of black olives and a pound of black licorice and you will be good to go :wink:
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Help! How do you fix constipation/bloating quickly? I have an event to go to in 2 days and I feel like a whale!

    Three words - SUPER DIETER'S TEA !!!!

    I like to mix it with diet snapple green tea, drink it before I go to sleep and in the morning...... It's not pretty but effective !!!