Hectic schedules?

Hi guys! I'm relatively new to MFP and have been lurking through the posts. It seems like a very friendly community. :)

Anyways, It's SO hard to dedicate the time and effort to eating right and exercising when you're not home often. What ends up happening is I eat out ALL the time and am too damn tired to jog even 5 mins when I get home... I have taken advantage of 3 weeks off from school and work to change all of this and hopefully get in the rhythm of eating right and exercising 6x/week.

I start school/work this upcoming week which means most days I won't be home til 8pm again..... I'm bracing myself for what's to come but hopefully the 3 weeks in will help keep me on track.

I was just wondering how many of you work/study long hours. How do you manage to stay committed to exercising and eating right when fast food and being a lazy blob is so much more tempting?!