swimsuits and stretch marks



  • binabee2wechanged
    I carried twins and was lucky enough not to have as many stretch marks as I should have had since I carried them full term...my problem is I can't find a swimsuit that would do me any justice...i put one on and I am like WTF...i just wish I could custom make my own.hahahaha and believe me, I will NOT share photos of me in a swimsuit...but i will if I can do a glue and paste of my head onto someone else's body...
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    With your face you shouldn't worry about it.
  • meechi53
    meechi53 Posts: 195 Member
    I haven't had kids nor do I have stretch marks but ladies, they are so common as is cellulite, don't be ashamed! life isn't a Hollywood reality show.

    I can't wait to have kids someday!, and I'll still rock a 2 piece bathing suit if I can!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    You only have one life to live. It's your life and your body. Screw the haters. Stretch marks just means that you've put in that work to get to where you want to be, and it's no one's business to dictate how you rock it. We always look at ourselves in a far worse light than what is actually the case.
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    Honestlt..I'm ashamed like so many of you...I have 4 kids now, but shortly after my first one I decided I would wear a two piece to the beach, because I was proud to have my son...but then I heard the snickers and comments...ohh shes hot...mind you i was laying in the sand on my belly...and I heard another guy make a horrible comment.."just wait til she turns over" I remember it like yesterday and my oldest just turned 13. I of course no longer show my tiger stripes to anyone other than my husband...People are ignorant...and sometimes it can be hurtful...you do have to have some thick skin to do it...

    thats f'd up... ppl are so mean.. i mean i have made a cmnt when i saw a girl wearin a two piece and she had dark red stretch marks but never to her face.. i was like 'no she didnt..' i guess i do care what ppl think when i shldnt..
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I have them too, ALL over my stomach but 1) they have faded to where they are not very visible and 2) the appearance of my skin in general has greatly improved after losing weight...there is hope :)

    yr stomach looks awesome! i dont even see any marks.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I know were not supposed to be ashamed of our stretchmarks, and I'm not. But I'm embarrassed to show people them, cause when I do people are just shocked by them :/ I'm 10 weeks postpartum, and I have lots are thick, red/purple fresh stretchmarks. It bums me out that I'm working so hard to get back in shape, and I'm really proud of my progress, yet I feel embarrassed to wear a bikini solely because of my stretchmarks. I can't even wear shorts because I have them down my thighs. When it's too hot that I can't bare it to not wear shorts, I feel so self conscious being in public.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    I can tell you one thing. Right now I'm a gal with a gut. I know that sounds funny but I'm not doing standup comedy here, I am a 34 year old, 5'10" tall woman with a gut that did not submerge itself from a pregnancy. It came from eating. Took a lot of years, but it happened, and at one point I worked myself up to a weight of 288 pounds. That was back in September 2010. I'm now currently (until I weigh myself tomorrow) 241.6 pounds. That's a lot of weight to shed off in under 2 years. Stretch marks? Yep, I've got 'em. Getting fainter as I lose, but I've still got them, still got the gut, and still wear plus size clothes, though I'm in the smallest sizes now. But being ashamed of a few stretch marks while wearing a swimsuit? I would wear one with pride, who cares if I had them. At least they'd be mine!!! :tongue:
  • JenS0301
    JenS0301 Posts: 37 Member
    I have had 2 full term babies. I am very proud of those stretch marks. As I loose more and more weight they get smaller and smaller. Not worried about it. My tummy looks like Freddy Krueger had a field day on it. LOL Ive got 40 more pounds to go and then Im rockin in a BKini!
  • starrynightskys
    starrynightskys Posts: 31 Member
    I have stretch marks on my stomach, and I havn't had any kids. I put on over a stone in a few months because I was stressed and depressed. I have lots on my legs too. I am self conscious about them, but if I lost body fat and still had them, I would rock a bikini because life is too short :) I am glad my bf never comments on them. He has some faded ones on his thighs and arms actually so hey, everyone gets them!
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    oh yeah i have some on upper thighs too but after my 2nd child.. i was a size 9-10 and went down to a 3-5.. with losing the weight, came the stretch marks... funny thing is im not ashamed of those.. i still wear shorts and sometimes u can see them but that doesnt bug me... 'sighs'........my bf also tells me its all in my head, that they're not bad...as long as he likes my body..that is all that matters but if only it were that easy...
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    you know, i used to hate mine (2 pregnancies but only got them from the 1st one)

    now... i just dont care anymore.

    i wouldnt trade my kids for the world, and if having stretch marks is the price for that... im ok with it.

    maybe the longer you have them, the less you care (my first is now 13)? LOLOLOL

    they also fade a lot after time (lots of time)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    I know were not supposed to be ashamed of our stretchmarks, and I'm not. But I'm embarrassed to show people them, cause when I do people are just shocked by them :/ I'm 10 weeks postpartum, and I have lots are thick, red/purple fresh stretchmarks. It bums me out that I'm working so hard to get back in shape, and I'm really proud of my progress, yet I feel embarrassed to wear a bikini solely because of my stretchmarks. I can't even wear shorts because I have them down my thighs. When it's too hot that I can't bare it to not wear shorts, I feel so self conscious being in public.

    they fade hun, i promise. it just takes time (((hugs)))
    long skirts (think boho hippy-ish) can be a life saver ;)
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I know were not supposed to be ashamed of our stretchmarks, and I'm not. But I'm embarrassed to show people them, cause when I do people are just shocked by them :/ I'm 10 weeks postpartum, and I have lots are thick, red/purple fresh stretchmarks. It bums me out that I'm working so hard to get back in shape, and I'm really proud of my progress, yet I feel embarrassed to wear a bikini solely because of my stretchmarks. I can't even wear shorts because I have them down my thighs. When it's too hot that I can't bare it to not wear shorts, I feel so self conscious being in public.

    they fade hun, i promise. it just takes time (((hugs)))
    long skirts (think boho hippy-ish) can be a life saver ;)

    I'm so impatient! :( But I really should invest in some of those! :)
  • slynn28
    slynn28 Posts: 93
    I know were not supposed to be ashamed of our stretchmarks, and I'm not. But I'm embarrassed to show people them, cause when I do people are just shocked by them :/ I'm 10 weeks postpartum, and I have lots are thick, red/purple fresh stretchmarks. It bums me out that I'm working so hard to get back in shape, and I'm really proud of my progress, yet I feel embarrassed to wear a bikini solely because of my stretchmarks. I can't even wear shorts because I have them down my thighs. When it's too hot that I can't bare it to not wear shorts, I feel so self conscious being in public.

    since yours are still fresh.. i wld get mederma therapy for stretch marks.. it helped me bc mine were darker too but then i had stopped using it.. wish i wld hv kept it up.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I have had 2 kids and I'm covered in stretch marks but w/e I'm still gonna wear my bikini if i ever go out. I've worked hard!

  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    No stretch marks, only battle scars.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have them, but they are not readily visible because of my yellow skin tone. So tan definitely helps with hiding them.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I have had 2 kids and I'm covered in stretch marks but w/e I'm still gonna wear my bikini if i ever go out. I've worked hard!

    You look amazing! I don't see a single one... Does being tan help hide them? I'm have super fair skin, and since mine are still fresh and red, they stick out sooo much.
  • Tanyawhite30
    Tanyawhite30 Posts: 473
    Stretch marks. Allllll over my stomach from pregnancy. They've faded a bit over time (my son is 5 now), but they are definitely there and they are definitely visible. Don't care, still rock a bikini! I work hard for this body, I'm gonna show it off!


    You look HOT!!!