The truth about DAIRY

sibetsimo Posts: 39
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I have heard so many conflicting opinions on dairy over the years... A teacher in one of my nutrition classes (private school, not university) once said that the tonsils are the glands that produce he enzymes that digest dairy and that they "die" around or before age 6, essentially making everyone lactose intolerant to a certain degree. That's apparently why people sometimes need their tonsils taken out; since they're dead or out of use they are prone to problems and need to be removed.

But then a friend of mine in health sciences at my university said that none of that was true and that we can all digest dairy just fine as adults...

At any rate, I know I'm at least a little lactose intolerant because anything other than skim milk gives me tummy issues and makes me feel sick, and even then I can't have too much skim milk. But it's got quite a bit of protein and no fat and few cals and I do love my cold cereals :wink: so I was wondering... is dairy good? :tongue: Is it good for weight loss? Is there a downside to dairy? Should we really be having several servings a day? Can it be used as a decent protein substitute in snacks without adverse effects?

Sooooo confused!!!!!:noway:


  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Good Question. Wish I had the answer for you.
    I guess, the best I've got is that Dairy has been a staple in the American diet, well, a long long time. We don't have a lot of great habits, but considering it's been around soooo long, I wouldn't imagine it could be too terrible for us. it's true that alot of other countries think that america is silly for drinking milk beyond infancy, as some other countries do not consume milk after they are weened from their mothers. But there is more to dairy than milk...

    I know that Yogurt is pretty healthy, and I've heard a lot of good things about eating cheese in moderation.

    However, just because it's okay for some folks doesn't mean you don't have a dairy allergy or intolerance. Could be bad for you.
  • i've done a lot of research on dairy and the thing that strikes me the most about it is we are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after we are infants. and not even milk of our own species! milk is for baby cows. it does not aid in weight loss. it has nutrients in it to grow a tiny calf into a huge animal, think of what it will do to your body. also dairy creates a nasty sludgy layer in your colon (gross i know) which then makes your bowels slower. if your bowels are slow you are not properly digesting your food and getting all the nutrients from it. plus you are probably carrying around a few extra pounds of poo :( if you go back to when all the "got milk" adds were presented look at who funded them...the dairy farmers. my personal opinion is that dairy is not really good for human consumption, yet we are led to believe it is healthful.
  • AttilatheHoney8
    AttilatheHoney8 Posts: 1 Member
    There is nothing wrong with dairy foods if you are not lactose intolerant. Some hardcore vegans might argue otherwise, but I have yet to see any hard scientific evidence to support that dairy is in any way BAD for those who can handle lactose. However, some forms of milk/dairy are better than others. Obviously if your goal is weight loss drinking lowfat milk is best. I for one, when I can afford it, buy organic milk. Why? Because it negates the issues that a lot of anti-milk people have, such as antibiotics & hormones leeching into the milk and the conditions for cows on organic farms are better as well. I prefer it in taste as well.

    Personally, I love milk and nothing I've come across yet in regards to factual and credible evidence has ever proven to me that milk is harmful. I think I would trust your friend in the health sciences when they give you that information as they are learning information that is more recent than what your nutrition teacher from years ago told you :).
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I believe that dairy is good for you in its raw, unadulterated form................

    I think the pasteurization and homogenization process ruins milk and other dairy, but they do this for supposedly reasons for germs and of course, longer shelf life.

    I would rather have, raw, rich, sweet creamy full fat milk, straight from a cow that is going to spoil if it is not consumed rather quickly, than to buy some watery, substance they call 2% or skim milk. Even the regular milk is nothing like raw milk.........

    I do eat Fage and Mountain High Yoghurt (it is organic) and I eat raw cheese from my Neighborhood Coop.

    I get raw milk from a farmer that lives down the road from me. I also get my chicken and eggs from them also.
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    Actually - the tonsils don't produce enzymes to digest milk - the salivary glands start the process, then the stomach (not sure the tonsils actually make anything!) Additionally - the connection between milk tolerance and tonsils is that sometimes milk intolerance causes reactions in the body - including inflaming the tonsil. As such, sometime the tonsil is removed so as not to continue to be inflamed by the bodies reaction to lactose...not the other way around.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My physiology teacher recently had a discussion on this...he said that when we are born we have an abundance of enzymes to break down lactose, but as we age those enzymes become much less. That is not to say that we can't enjoy dairy, but it's just saying that we might have a few more problems associated with lactose intolerance.

    The way I figure it, there are tons of things that aren't really meant for human consumption, but we do it anyway becaus we enjoy eating those things. What good does insoluble fiber actually do for us? Slow down the digestion process I'm sure, but it all comes out the other end :). So IMHO, eat what you wish unless it causes problems...and dairy has done no such harm to me!

    I :heart: dairy :bigsmile:

    and btw...those lactose enzymes are in the GI tract...not the lymphatic system. Tonsils definitely don't do that...unless my professors aren't telling me something! :)
  • Some things about diary:
    The human body produces lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose) in baby/childhood in great quantities--that would be in the digestive system. As we mature, the body produces less--because we're no longer babies who need to be able to digest milk).
    Humans are the ONLY species that drinks milk into adulthood...and the ONLY species that drinks the milk of another species. Um...if you actually think about that...yick... The concept of drinking breast milk grosses people out...but least it's your own species!
    The majority of adults are lactose intolerat to at least a small degree because of the decline in enzyme production.
    Milk also has been tested and shown to contain growth hormones, pesticide residues, and other toxins that bioconcentrate just like we see with Mercury and fish. It also contains low doses of opiates--produced by the mother to soothe her calf. AND the milk industry doesn't take ill cows off the line, so if they've got infections in their udders (extremely common)...the pus they produce also goes into the milk...the assumption being that pasturization takes care of any bacteria that come along with it.

    That said, it does contain a lot of nutrients along with all the crapola...but...those can all be gained from other I prefer to avoid it.

    Oh... and that whole "organic milk" claim is all but worthless if it's certified organic by the USDA...just in case you didn't know...the farmers associations and processing plants get their own USDA stamp (and can stamp anything they feel like, basically) and are so poorly monitored by the actual USDA that there is no gurarantee that you're getting anything better than regular old milk... with all it's junk.
    If you want to be sure it's organic, it should be evaluated by an independent third party.
  • sibetsimo
    sibetsimo Posts: 39
    I heard that yogurt and cheese were easier to digest because the bacteria in them have sort of already done some of the "digesting", making less work for your own digestive system. I'm hearing a lot of negative opinions on dairy... but what about lactose-free milk? Is there really a significant difference in certain respects other than it being easier to digest for those who have an intolerance?

    Thanks for all the replies!!!!!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Whole goat's milk is more easily digested by humans for the most part. Yogurt is beneficial on account of the bacteria present, as is kefir.

    Personally I just use organic, whole fat milk in moderation.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    ICECREAM, Yum!!! I love dairy products.
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    I have heard so many conflicting opinions on dairy over the years... A teacher in one of my nutrition classes (private school, not university) once said that the tonsils are the glands that produce he enzymes that digest dairy and that they "die" around or before age 6, essentially making everyone lactose intolerant to a certain degree. That's apparently why people sometimes need their tonsils taken out; since they're dead or out of use they are prone to problems and need to be removed.

    But then a friend of mine in health sciences at my university said that none of that was true and that we can all digest dairy just fine as adults...

    At any rate, I know I'm at least a little lactose intolerant because anything other than skim milk gives me tummy issues and makes me feel sick, and even then I can't have too much skim milk. But it's got quite a bit of protein and no fat and few cals and I do love my cold cereals :wink: so I was wondering... is dairy good? :tongue: Is it good for weight loss? Is there a downside to dairy? Should we really be having several servings a day? Can it be used as a decent protein substitute in snacks without adverse effects?

    Sooooo confused!!!!!:noway:

    Obviously, it's a controversial subject! However, if you are somewhat intolerant, then I suggest you don't consume it. There are plenty of other alternatives that you can have with your cereal, such as almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and coconut milk. If you can, get an ELISA test to see what foods might cause an allergic reaction in you. Food intolerances can cause all manner of illness, several of which are Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Candida, etc. The beginnings of these auto-immune diseases, and other allergic reactions can be as mild as lack of energy.

    The key is to know your own body and work with it!

    All the best to you!


  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    Humans are the ONLY species that drinks milk into adulthood...and the ONLY species that drinks the milk of another species. Um...if you actually think about that...yick... The concept of drinking breast milk grosses people out...but least it's your own species!

    I am sorry but this is a silly statement. Humans are also the only mammals to do tons of stuff. Bears don't cook their meat before eating it so should we start eating meat raw...bears and other mammals will eat their own kind!! Don't compare us to other mammals like that.

    If we were like other mammals, anyone with an injury or over weight would be the first to get eaten so everyone would be lean...
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have heard so many conflicting opinions on dairy over the years... A teacher in one of my nutrition classes (private school, not university) once said that the tonsils are the glands that produce he enzymes that digest dairy and that they "die" around or before age 6, essentially making everyone lactose intolerant to a certain degree. That's apparently why people sometimes need their tonsils taken out; since they're dead or out of use they are prone to problems and need to be removed.

    But then a friend of mine in health sciences at my university said that none of that was true and that we can all digest dairy just fine as adults...

    At any rate, I know I'm at least a little lactose intolerant because anything other than skim milk gives me tummy issues and makes me feel sick, and even then I can't have too much skim milk. But it's got quite a bit of protein and no fat and few cals and I do love my cold cereals :wink: so I was wondering... is dairy good? :tongue: Is it good for weight loss? Is there a downside to dairy? Should we really be having several servings a day? Can it be used as a decent protein substitute in snacks without adverse effects?

    Sooooo confused!!!!!:noway:

    Obviously, it's a controversial subject! However, if you are somewhat intolerant, then I suggest you don't consume it. There are plenty of other alternatives that you can have with your cereal, such as almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, hemp milk, and coconut milk. If you can, get an ELISA test to see what foods might cause an allergic reaction in you. Food intolerances can cause all manner of illness, several of which are Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, Candida, etc. The beginnings of these auto-immune diseases, and other allergic reactions can be as mild as lack of energy.

    The key is to know your own body and work with it!

    All the best to you!



    I use hemp milk in my egg creams and protein shakes. It is fabulous!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    This is an interesting topic. Some of the stuff I hear about dairy really astounds me.

    I'm going to try to throw a little devil's advocate into this because I feel milk's getting a bad wrap here.

    1st, we are the only species to drink milk as adults BECAUSE we are the only species with the ability, and tools with which to do so (and actually that's not the case, other species will willingly drink milk if given to them, cats for instance, dogs as well). There's no demonic reason why we do this, it's a relatively humane way to receive a very nutritious and renewable food source (large production dairy farms not widthstanding).

    2nd, Pasturization has been studied, tested, and proven to do far more good than the bad it can do. If you live on or near a farm, and can confirm a cow is healthy, and get the milk the same day, then fine, go for it, but that's no guarantee that the milk won't have some parasite in it as well. I'll take my chances with pasturization over getting tuberculosis, diphtheria, salmonella, strep throat, scarlet fever, listeriosis, and typhoid fever among other things.

    3rd, of course we have less lactase, we are adults who have the ability and need to use many different food sources, but we are also omnivores who have digestive systems able to deal with all kinds of food and as such we still retain the ability to digest and use a moderate amount of dairy products without issue.

    4th, many dairy products contain bacteria that help the digestion process. Beneficial bacteria can help keep us regular and healthy. The idea that milk itself contains hormones and other contaminants is untrue, the milk can carry, if given to the cows that produce it, a small amount of hormones and other toxins, the same way a mother can do so with a breastfeeding infant, that's just ignorance and greed on the part of the commercial farmers, but it has nothing to do with milk itself as a food source. If that's someone's argument, then they have no argument against milk from natural, grass fed cows with no hormones, pesticides, or other toxins in their system. And there are plenty of places around that offer this type of milk.

    All that being said, I have no problem with someone choosing not to drink milk for any reason, what I don't understand though, is people using these arguments as ways to shoot down Dairy. Consume dairy, or don't, but I see no reason to tell others to avoid it. That's just MHO though.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    Thanks SHBoss, that is really what I wanted to say...but got distracted with other thoughts and didn't have the time to put it quite as nice as you.

    Thanks for being the voice of reason.
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Humans are the ONLY species that drinks milk into adulthood...and the ONLY species that drinks the milk of another species. Um...if you actually think about that...yick... The concept of drinking breast milk grosses people out...but least it's your own species!

    I am sorry but this is a silly statement. Humans are also the only mammals to do tons of stuff. Bears don't cook their meat before eating it so should we start eating meat raw...bears and other mammals will eat their own kind!! Don't compare us to other mammals like that.

    If we were like other mammals, anyone with an injury or over weight would be the first to get eaten so everyone would be lean...

    Brilliant :laugh:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Dairy is a great source of calcium. Osteoporosis is no fun and women are at greater risk, especially after menopause - and with life expectancies these days, that can be many years you're living with constant fear of falling and breaking something, and even if you don't break your hip you'll probably get a few compression fractures in your back. They are painful and debilitating.

    If you find that you're lactose intolerant, there are ways around it. For most people it's drinking a glass of milk that brings on tummy cramps, but cheese and yogurt is okay. If you really like to drink milk, you can get lactase drops (that's the enzyme) or milk with lactase added. If you can't tolerate any dairy, make sure you get enough calcium in other ways, pill form if necessary.

    By the way, the tonsils are part of the lymphatic system - that's why they swell when you get a throat infection. They're fighting off germs!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Humans are the ONLY species that drinks milk into adulthood...and the ONLY species that drinks the milk of another species. Um...if you actually think about that...yick... The concept of drinking breast milk grosses people out...but least it's your own species!

    I am sorry but this is a silly statement. Humans are also the only mammals to do tons of stuff. Bears don't cook their meat before eating it so should we start eating meat raw...bears and other mammals will eat their own kind!! Don't compare us to other mammals like that.

    If we were like other mammals, anyone with an injury or over weight would be the first to get eaten so everyone would be lean...
    Thanks, I was going to play devil's advocate with this one---maybe drinking milk is an evolutionary step forward, since cultures that drink more dairy have a higher prevalence of people who produce lactase. :bigsmile:
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    Technically, being lactose-tolerant is abnormal, because the enzyme that breaks down lactase (found in lactose) dissolves at some point before we reach adulthood (I think someone covered this already).

    Nonetheless, skim milk, lowfat yogurt and cheeses and things of the like have an abundance of nutritional advantages.

    Full fat milk, however, is meant to be drank during times of incredible growth *aka cows double their size in weeks!

    I'm not exactly sure why this concept is so controversial. There are a lot of things out there that people should swear off, and I just don't see dairy being one of the hot-topics. Lol, but that's just me.
  • kankan213
    kankan213 Posts: 105
    PS- I'm lactose intolerant and I just budget out the dairy that I eat. I have to have yogurt everyday but I make sure to get low-fat and when I drink any milk (usually cooking with it- as I don't drink it) I use lactaid. I steer clear of cheese because I'm not a huge fan and I opt for froyo instead of ice cream. I can't live without yogurt though, and it doesn't upset my stomach.
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