Protruding bones

Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
I was chatting with my boyfriend the other day, and he was enthusing about how much he liked girls hip bones when they stick out... (Clearly not mine, I'm a bit soft around the edges haha)

I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. I've got a bit of a skewed body image, and was just wondering what other people's thoughts were. Do people like to see bones sticking out of the opposite sex? I admit, I was happy to make friends with my collar bones as the lbs came off, but is having protruding hip bones too far?

Edit: I'm really sorry if anyone is offended in any way, or this provokes any negativity... I'm just not sure what to think, and it kind of upset/surprised me that this is what my guy liked!


  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    You say you have skewed body image. Do you think that could have been his way of telling you he likes YOUR hip bones, and you don't have a perspective on your body that lets you recognize them on yourself?

    My husband calls my chest "washboard sternum" because the bones protrude in my upper body. I lose weight there at the drop of a hat (my lower body, not so much)!
  • VeganPanda
    VeganPanda Posts: 582 Member
    What I find attractive: not bones sticking out of guys, I like muscles. But I do think they look good on women.

    But just because he likes that doesn't mean he doesn't like you how you are either! Maybe it's his way of encouraging you. Either way, congrats on your weight loss! :smile:
  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    last time I made a "protruding bones" kind of statement (at 145 lbs), a friend recovering from anorexia said that was "pro-ana" and defriended me from her social network. O.o
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I used to have the protruding hip bones and my ex loved it, but my husband said if I get that thin he will feed me big macs until I gain some weight back. I really think it depends on the guy, but apart from my clavicle, I'd rather not have any protruding bones myself.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The important thing is what YOU like and what is healthy for you.
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I have giant hips, so losing even a little weight makes them come out with a dinosaur-like ferocity!

    My boyfriend refuses to have an opinion on anything like this. While I understand how this could be weird, like "my boyfriend likes bones sticking out? Ick," I think maybe he just likes this one little thing on girls, and maybe he's starting to see yours and it makes him happy.
  • Willowfeet
    Willowfeet Posts: 3 Member
    Purely for physical reasons, I love protruding bones. I don't have any myself, but hopefully soon right? :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member

    Edited because I misread what you wrote.

    It is up to you to decide how you want to look. If you are healthy and have hip bones protruding, then good for you. If you are healthy and don't have hip bones that protrude, then good for you. Learn to love yourself and don't let anyone tell you how you should look.
  • SP2Bfit
    SP2Bfit Posts: 114
    On a man I like muscle tone/definition in the midsection and butt but I've never really focused on hip bones. I think if they were too visible I wouldn't find that attractive...slightly visible fine but not "bony"

    On other women I would say I think something similar...if they are too pronounced I don't think it is attractive, better if visible in a toned body but not "bony" there is a difference to me.

    Being completely honest I have this weird thing about liking my own hip bones to be a slightly more protminent, especially when I am laying down in bed--but that is with me being at, and wanting to remain at a healthy weight/body shape.
  • LolaVersion2
    LolaVersion2 Posts: 114 Member
    ...but what about the cushion for the pushin?
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    Even at my heaviest of 209 lbs my hip bones, collar bones, and shoulder blades have always poked out. I am fairly tall (5'10).
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If you want my male opinion, then no, I don't really want to see protruding bones. A hint of their shape is all good, but in my opinion, seeing them protruding prominently isn't very attractive. With that said, I don't really care for any one particular feature. The whole package is what counts, so it's not like it's a make or break type thing.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    my bones tend to stick out and i find it gross. my husband doesnt see it the same way I do.

    Some are small (hands, wrists, feet, nose, etc.) and some are huge - like my ribs. I see my skin & fat as something that has been messily applied over my bones, like a costume.

    I also feel like if my ribs didnt stick out so much, my abdomen would look so much smaller and it would be easier for me.

    my hip bones are the same way, they protrude in a very unsettling way. infact, if i lean/lay on them, they ache.

    but i really want a rib adjustment :\
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    why does it matter?
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Do I like a protruding bone on a man? :huh:

    I am so sorry OP, I know this is a serious question but....hehe, you gotta see the humour here:bigsmile: ? or maybe i have just had a long day...

    Sorry, no intention of derailing, back to regular programming. :laugh:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I was always jealous of my best friend when I was 13, whose hip bones stuck out. Even now, when I lose weight enough, when I lay down, they stick out (but not when I stand up), and I think it's hot. When I got to about -21 lbs, I would lay in bed and make my boyfriend touch my hip bones, lol.
  • LolaVersion2
    LolaVersion2 Posts: 114 Member
    Do I like a protruding bone on a man? :huh:

  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    ...but what about the cushion for the pushin?

    Precisely. Protruding bones = painful in the bedroom.

    Personally? Some women/men genetically have bonier hips, others don't. Personally I have protruding bones no matter how much weight I put on. But I hate it... I prefer women with a smooth transition from waist to hip!!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I like my women like I like my bread...doughy and baked.

  • bethmakesmusic
    bethmakesmusic Posts: 164 Member
    This is really interesting to me! My husband likes to see a hint of hip bone too (not me at the moment) but I think it's a great goal. Once I hit my goal weight I'm getting a tattoo right above my hip :). I'm not letting it hurt my feelings. We've both gotten softer since we got married and I know he loves so many things about me that this would be nitpicking. Great job on your loss so far!