New Runner!

I am a new runner in the Kennesaw GA area looking for a running partner. I am on week 4 day 3 of the c25k. Anyone looking too please let me know.


  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 567 Member
    I live in Michigan so no help to you, but wanted to wish you well on your new endeavor. I started running a year and a half ago. At first it was really to burn calories... I didn't really like it that much but stuck to it because there was nothing else I could do for 30-40 minutes and get that kind of burn... but then I decided to start signing up for races and because I had actual dates and mileages to work up to I started to work harder and then I ran a race and fell in love with it. Now I have completed several 5K and 10K races as well as 2 half marathons... all in a year and half...

    If you want a "virtual" partner, feel free to add me as a friend.

    I wish you much luck!
  • motherof3brats
    motherof3brats Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you! I lived in Michigan my whole life lol. Moved 4 years ago. I did sign up for a 5k on July 4th (my friend talked me into it) hopefully I can do it.