Hi my name is Misty

My name is Misty. I am a 29 year old mother of four and wife to a wonderful man. He always tells me I am beautiful no matter what, but I don't feel beautiful. I want to be thin again. I was thin before the fertility treatments I took to get pregnant with my youngest son and now I am not. I have tried all kinds of diets and I lose the will to exercise. I need motivation. I need to keep myself going. I need it to stop being so easy to quit. The dieting part isn't hard for me, except during that time of the month (LOL), but working out can be such a pain!! I am already so tired!! Is there anyone out there who has any suggestions on how to get me going? I have a treadmill, a gazelle, an ab roller, resistance bands and light free weights. I just have to get off my butt!! Any suggestions?:ohwell:


  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    well for one you could find a picture of you before the fertility treatments and one from recently, hang them side by side on well idk the fridge or somewhere that you will see them everdya, it always gets me motivated, at the moment i am craving some potatoe chips (its that time of the month lol) n im attempting to not give in :D
  • jeepkaren1
    Working out at home is going to present too many distractions with 4 kids at home, no matter how many exercise machines you have. Try joining a gym, most offer child care, and take a group fitness class, it's a great way to get in shape and meet other moms. If you have a set time two or three times a week where you need to be, you're more inclined to work out, especially if you make friends in the class and they're counting on seeing you there. If you can afford it, you can also work with a personal trainer for weight training.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome! I'm doing well with exercise right now ... it's the food that I am struggling with every day.

    There a few things that have helped me get motivated to exercise - 1) joining the YMCA 2) getting a heart rate monitor 3) using myfitnesspal as much as I can for motivation - I post on several forums - usually daily 4) I set a weekly exercise minutes goal and track it with a ticker from tickerfactory.com

    I workout out so much harder and more faithfully in my step and weight lifting classes at the Y than anything else that I've tried. I really enjoy the classes and hate to miss them (although I have my days that I dread going too .. but always feel good once I'm done). The good thing for me about doing classes is that I have to plan on a specific time so I can't easily back out of it ... and I've met some nice people to workout with so it is kind of a 'social' time to look forward to too - and they will notice if I skip.
    Making plans to walk or workout with a friend is good too for all the same reasons - more enjoyable and making a plan that isn't as easy for me to skip. I have a treadmill that hasn't been touched in 10 years and an exercise bike that I do use occassionally - but only if I'm desperate to get my exercise time in!

    I got a heart rate monitor for my birthday in March and it has really helped to motivate me. It tells me calories I've burned, tracks my weekly workouts and I get a 'trophy' on the HRM watch when I meet my goal - which I have met every week since getting the HRM ... so it makes me get out there and move much more than I ever did before. It also showed me that I was never working hard enough when I was taking a walk - so now I push myself more to burn more calories.

    From one of the forums that I post on - we had a challenge to add cardio every week. I set up an exercise tracking ticker and set a goal of adding 30 minutes of exercise every week, and I started at 120 minutes and for now my goal is 360 minutes a week and I'm feeling really good about it!

    Good luck! :happy:
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    Hi Misty & Welcome!
    First and foremost make fitness a priority. I workout at a gym and at home. Whether at home or at the gym I do it very early before anyone else gets up and I try to separate myself from distractions, i.e. a dedicated room or garage or outdoors. I sleep in my (clean) workout clothes so that all I have to do when I wake up is get up and go.

    I try to think of working out in the same way that I think about brushing my teeth. It's a healthy habit and if I didn't do it for a full day then that would be gross. I won't allow myself to go to bed at night without having done at least one physical activity.

    It helps to set a goal. I set a goal of 500 calories a day which translates into 3500 per week and that translates to one pound. If I skip a day I know that I'll have to do double time the next day to make my weekly goal.

    Hope that helps. It's really all about establishing habits. It will take a few weeks of repetition before you've formed the habit of exercise.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    another suggestion:
    I know it's hard to fit in exercise time with kids and their schedules ... I make a weekly plan every Sunday of when I'm going to exercise during the week and I make sure that the families schedule will work with my plan ... my husband knows it is a priority for me to get healthy and he helps make my exercise schedule work too.
    Now if I could just make myself do the same weekly plan for food ... the pounds would come flying off! One thing at a time I guess. :ohwell:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is awesome. You will love it here if you don't already. I love it here. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: