Any Illinois peeps out there but all are welcome

Hi. I am a 45 yo married mom of two (three if you count my husband!). I have been getting heavier as I have gotten older. It is really hard for me to eat right and even trying MFP, I still struggle. Sigh. I am always tired and feel like I can never lose the weight. I am a secret eater (eat junk/fast food) who sabotages my effort to lose weight. I am looking for motivation and encouragement and will do my best to do the same. I recently began a new job which is good as far as there is no vending machines but it is a half block from a candy store and a Stone Cold Creamery! I don't exercise but I am looking for something fun to do to get myself moving more. Hope to hear from anyone. Thanks! :smile:


  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Hi, there! Congrats on doing this; I'm a 53-year-old from the sw side, but a lifelong Cubs fan too! One thing I've found about this process (and reading so many posts) is that we all have our down times, but get so much more out of our small victories! For example, you decide to go for a walk at lunch, and as you walk past the Cold Stone Creamery, you keep going and do a couple of blocks instead. Small victory, but it feels so good. Another thing to remember is that you shouldn't try to compare yourself to anyone else's efforts here - everyone does what they can at their own level. Simply try to do a little more than you did the day before.

    For the first two months, I made progress, eventually losing 9 pounds. Then, life and work got in the way, and I made all sorts of excuses for not logging in. Truth be told, I took the easy way out; but I'm back. I'd be happy to help motivate you, but only if you do the same for me!
  • achief192
    achief192 Posts: 192
    GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!! :)
  • Gulzilly
    Gulzilly Posts: 238 Member
    Hi-I am a lifelong Chicagoan. Grew up in St.Charles, IL and moved to the city(Lincoln Park/West Loop) for work. I recently move to Minnesota and miss home. Because of the separation from home, friends, work, etc...I have gained about 38lbs. I want to get back in shape, life a healthy lifestyle and increase my fitness level. I'd love to add you and anyone else from home.

    I'm a die-hard Cubs fan.
  • Crumleygirl
    Crumleygirl Posts: 86 Member
    I know the sabotage feeling. However I haven't cut things or gone to salads only. I've gone from the ten piece chicken nugget meal Large to a chicken nugget mini meal (small fry and 4 pieces of chicken). It's not easy and it took me awhile to work down to four pieces but hey I did it. Also if you go out to a restaurant only eat half your portion and take the rest home. I live in Washington but feel free to add me. Also if you want a treat once in awhile you go ahead and go to Cold Stone. However hold down the toppings and WALK THERE and back.
  • Ckiers
    Ckiers Posts: 31 Member
    I'm from Illinois! Try not to be so hard on your self. It's hard at first but once you make a habit of eating healthy and exercise it will get easier. I stil have days were I don't feel like doing anything and then eat a whole bunch. But then I pick myself right back up the next day and try to do better.
    i recently got a heart monitor and that has helped alot. Knowing exactly the amount of calories I was burning makes a huge difference
    Good luck on your journey.....feel free to friend me if you'd like
  • LisaE1067
    LisaE1067 Posts: 2
    Hi! I am from east central IL all my life! I am 44 single mom of 3 kids 10,9, & 5. I understand all to well the secret eating and sabotaging yourself, because that is something I used to do a lot!! I still struggle with it and sometimes I fail and give in to the ho ho's or whatever craving it may be, but I'm doing much better and it happens less and less the longer I go. I recently joined MFP, but have been working on weight loss the past year. I have about 23 lbs left to go and the last 20 are the hardest and I am struggling to stay motivated! I wil not give up!! You shouldn't either you just have to ask yourself constantly when you feel like eating secretly this will taste good for how long but I'll feel awful for how long. My grandma used to say two things " A moment on the lips forever on the hips" and "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels". I like both of those sayings! Another helpful thing is to not look at any food as off limits just think of moderation. You really can have what you want within reason as long as you are willing to count it. That's is what I do because if I start thinking I can't have that then I want it all the more and I'll eat a lot of it! Feel free to add me and GOOD LUCK and DON'T GIVE UP YOU CAN DO IT!!
    Lisa E.
  • Mary831331
    Mary831331 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I am from Missouri (but not far from IL). I am a 50 year old mother of 2 beautiful daughters, and a handsome, intelligent 6 year old grandson. In my younger days, I had no trouble keeping the weight off because I would walk every day at lunch time, chase after the kids, was always cleaning the house, doing laundry, etc., etc. And then when I got a little older and the kids moved out, I found myself getting bored and snacking way too much at night. I am a lifetime WW member, and I met my lifetime goal about 2 years ago, but in the past 2 years, I've gradually gained all of my weight back (30 lbs.). I am struggling trying to lose it again. I've been to WW meetings off and on again, but for some reason, it's just not enough motivation for me. A friend of mine at work recently lost 44 lbs., and she told me about MFP, and she loves it. So I'm hoping that I will too. I've recently started tracking the food I eat again, and I've started walking every day. We are going to the beach in 5 weeks (yikes), so before then, I would like to lose at least 10 lbs., but I want to lose 30 lbs. total. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I'm from Champagne. I live in Arkansas now, but I miss home:(