Hello Everybody, Need to lose 50-60 by Oct-Nov


My name is Kelly I am 5'6 and weight 228lbs. I want to lose about 50-60 lbs by October 25th (Vacation time). Is this possible if I eat 1200-1500 calories a day and rotate my dvd's, treadmill, etc. Doing 60-90 minutes of exercise a day?

DVD's I have:

Jillian Michaels:
Ripped in 30
30 Day Shred
Yoga Meltdown
Six Week Slim Down
Extreme Shred and Shed (On order, getting on monday or tuesday)
Killer Buns & Thighs (On order, getting on monday or tuesday)
Kick Box Fax Fist (On order, getting on monday or tuesday)

Beach Body:
Turbo Jam
Turbo Fire
Hip Hop Abs
Slim in Six

Equipment I have:
Norditrack Treadmill
Yoga Mat
Dumbells 3 and 5 lbs.

Any advice would be great: I need to figure out good lunch food to take to work too.


  • s1lence
    s1lence Posts: 493
    Though it may be possible and some have achieve it, you may want to start by focusing on health rather than weight. Everyone is different so how much and how fast one person loses weight will differ from another. Do research and keep your attitude of wanting to reach your goal. But also be realistic about how much and how fast you can lose.
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Good Luck. Sure health is impt but your plan sounds good.. Your calorie goals seem reasonable. It is almost summer and you can really fill up on all the fruits and veggies that will soon be around. And exercising a minimum of 60+ minutes a day will surely produce results. You may not make it to 50 but I think you will loose enough to make you happy and have a great vacation. All the best.
  • hi there its definately possible by my calculations it about 3 pounds a week. start with what you suggested 60 min exercise daily and 1500 cals see how your weight comes off and then you can see how much more you need to do if your not hitting 3 pounds. up the exercise before you reduce the calories, and try eating fewer carbs and when you do eat your carbs eat them in the morning not at night.
  • Yes I feel u can do it..u can succeed whatever u sent ur mind to. Just stay disciplined. Do ur workouts everyday even if its 20min workout. I love the subway sandwicges for lunch. Filling n low Cal. And make sure to snack inbetween meals.
  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    You need to eat 500 calories per day under maintenance levels (i.e. what you eat to stay the same weight) to lose 1lb a week. Therefore 2lbs a week is 1000 under per day and 3lbs is 1500 under per day. I'd say at your height and weight you should be happy to shift 1-2lbs a week i.e. 500-750 under maintenance. Don't set unrealistic goals. If you do you'll end up starting a thread on here complaining that you couldn't meet those goals. Eat healthy, do exercise and the weight will come off in time. Never expect miracles.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    What -may- happen is you'll hit the starvation brick wall.

    The only real tip I can recommend is to watch your body's rythem, and keep track of your sodium (as its killer in the weight loss department).

    Just don't dispare!
  • mabernier
    mabernier Posts: 62 Member
    I saw the word "need" to lose in the title and was curious...then I saw "want" to lose in the body of your text. Very different things. Some of the items you were planning like 60-90 minutes of exercise in my opinion would not be something you could sustain. Could you do it? Sure. Should you do it? Not sure about that. I can tell you a bit about a few of my experiences of trying to lose weight for an occasion or by a certain date. I did very well and often made my goals, but then shortly thereafter I was so wiped out mentally and physically by the efforts that I spiraled up afterwards. Don't do this to yourself. Focus on health first and the weight will come off, stay off and your metabolism will not be thrown out of whack. If you deprive yourself that much and exercise that much, you are likely going to have the rebound effect. Figure out what your body needs, come in 15% or so calorie wise under that and know that reducing about 500 calories a day is going to be sustainable, liveable and effective. Good luck with your journey!
  • osaili
    osaili Posts: 1
    I don't want to discourage you but always be realistic with your goals as there are 146 days left until October 25th, so it would be very difficult to accomplish your goal

    However you can lose up to 40 lbs if you manage 2 pounds a week consistently.

    Good Luck.
  • It's definitely possible! I lost 123 lbs in 9 months and have kept it off for over 3.5 years now! (well only 100+ lbs of it because I recently thought I could handle stopping food journaling and judge food myself but that was a 20lb failure!)

    It will take great discipline though, cheating rarely...good luck!