Am I doing something wrong?

I've been tracking what I eat and exercising for 7 weeks now. My starting weight was 265lbs. The first few weeks went great. About week 4 I stopped losing and started bouncing between 255 and 250. I'm averaging about 1400 calories per day. My recommended calories is 1600. I'm exercising 3-4 times per week and burning about 350 calories pet workout. I've been stuck at 250lbs for over a week and this morning I had gained 2 pounds :( I feel like I'm working really hard but the scale isn't showing it. I'm starting to get discouraged. Please help!


  • Friends told me to aim for about a hundred carbs a day and high amount of protien. Drink lots and lots of water 2. Maybe you aren't eating enough calories. Are you eating back the calories that you burn?
  • You aren't eating enough. Your body has gone into "saving fat mode" because of the low calories. Really low calories works great in the beginning but it doesn't last.
  • Irvika
    Irvika Posts: 11
    Been there, suffered that! Don't be discouraged...try to shift your calorie intake so your body don't get used to one fix number of calories daily. Also do cardio and add strength training. Sometimes your weight is just shifting or you are retaining water. Good luck!
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I've been tracking for 6 weeks and lost 5 pounds, all in the first two weeks. I actually had it up to 8 but gained 3 back. :(

    Since we are supposed to lose a pound a week, I think I'm somehow averaging right even though I rarely go over (days that I do make up for it I guess)

    I weigh 185 trying to get under 180 at the moment. I'm about the same as you in calories usually eating 1300-1600. Today though burned 631 and ate 2253. My goal was 2251.

    Try a couple of high calorie days with higher exercise burns and see what that does, I'm still experimenting myself.

    & measure yourself to see if you lost any inches. I know I lost at least an inch and a half because I fit into one pair of shorts that are smaller now.
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    Jes a suggestion here, but it worked for me. I went off my calories restriction for 3 days, then went back on it. It worked for me. Broke my plateau and I started losing again.
  • kmmealey
    kmmealey Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. Have you read any of the info on the Group "Eat More to Weigh Less" ? I've found it to be very helpful. And, coincidentally, it is exactly the info I was given when I met with a Registered Dietician. You're supposed to be eating more calories. You have to eat at least your BMR calories. Best analogy I've heard - you fill your car with gas in order to drive. You must "fill" your body with enough calories to function (BMR). Otherwise, your body is in starvation mode & holding on to weight to survive. (The explanation is really much more complicated scientifically but I like simple). Anyway, check out the EMTWL group.
    There is so much helpful info there & it's a very active group, so you'll get lots of responses to your questions.
    BTW, altho' our starting weights are different, I also experienced the same thing. Frustrating. Hang in there.
  • sakwari
    sakwari Posts: 60 Member
    Maybe try changing up your workouts. I went through the same thing you are experiencing. I altered my workouts and watched what I ate/drank lots of water and began to see positive results again. Don't get discouraged, we have all been where you are at now. Keep fighting and you will see positive results. Feel free to add me and we can motivate and push each other as we work towards our goals.
  • SuziQ1786
    SuziQ1786 Posts: 2
    Thank you for all the responses. On the days I work out my deficits are 500-700 calories so my body in starvation mode makes sense. But I don't feel overly hungry. I eat when I'm hungry and don't when I'm not. But at this point I'm ready to try anything. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should be eating when I eat back exercise calories?