When does your day start?

So I have a bit of a dilemma. When I'm calculating my food for the day (say its a Thursday),and have a late night snack, its after 12am, so its technically Friday. Which day should I put those calories on? Thursday or Friday??


  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    for me .. its from the time I wake up, till I go to bed ..
    its 1:21 am though tech its Friday morning, I would still count my food as Thursday
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I count a day as waking-sleep too, so anything i eat before i go to bed 'for the night' would be thursday and anything after i get up is friday
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    When I wake is when it starts, when I sleep is when it ends.
  • hips2lose
    hips2lose Posts: 9
    Thanks! This was really quite a dilemma for me. The only problem is, some nights I don't go to sleep until around 4 (sigh, college papers and procrastination) and get right back up at 6.