Fellow Brits how are you going to survive Jubilee weekend?

So its her Maj's 60th year on the throne and we have two extra days off. Regardless of if your a monarchist or republican this means lots of parties, BBQ's and junk food. How do you plan to survive it? Are you gonna stay in your calories or are you gonna have the weekend off? I am going to Wales for the weekend and plan to eat what I like but really up my exercise. (I'm taking 30 day shred dvd with me and my skipping rope).


  • cazzy147
    cazzy147 Posts: 47
    So far, i have absolutly no idea.
    I hope to stick to it, but enjoy all the gorgeous food that will no doubt be in my eye sight all day everyday.
    However im more than likely going to be walking and standing around a lot of the time everyday of this weekend so fingers crossed it will all balance out.
    Though like you im also going to try and stick to the exercise =]
  • unassembledandy
    going to BBQ's and going to be drinking

    so planning to eat light at BBQ's and in my kcal's

    but also taking the frisbee for some running about fun (maybe even convince a few for a game of ultimate)

    should hopefully burn off a few of the burgers :P
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    With unashamed drunkenness.

    No special meals planned, but I will be tracking and taking the opportunity for longer workouts.
  • Deka61
    Deka61 Posts: 74
    Just another weekend
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I plan to completely ignore it, this June is not the diamond Jubilee, I rather suspect it's been put here simply to merge with the olympics and con people out of more money. Afterall, a diamond jubilee and olympic year both happening at once? It may very well be the only time it does happen!

    I plan on taking the summer same as last summer. I don't much care that this year she'll have worn the crown for 59 years and I didn't much care in febrary when she had been monarch for 60, and I won't care next summer when she'll have worn the crown for 60 years. I do care though that they think we're stupid enough to buy into the whole diamond Jubilee in June this year, but it's not anything that's going to interfere with me, except make me rant at anyone I feel needs educating...and apparently innocent bystanders the closer it gets.
  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm working all weekend & Monday too :( however when I finish at 2pm I'm going to my sisters for a family get together where I know I will consume more calories than normal in alcohol & food... However when I look at my progress over a week within the MFP app I'm sure I'll still be under my calorie goal as i dont usually go over it anyway so to me thats the main thing.. I say relax & enjoy some good food & alcohol but track everything as best as you can ... Plus get some exercise the day after which always makes me feel better ;) ... Enjoy the jubilee everyone
  • unassembledandy
    haha forgot it was something to do with the queen, who gives a **** about the queen, its just a awsome 4 day weekend ^_^
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Sadly my invitation to the palace must have gone astray in the post, so a nice meal out tonight but otherwise it's just a good opportunity to get out and do more. Hoping for nice weather because it's a bit grey today. Might BBQ or picnic Mon or Tues but can do that within calories as long as pork pies and scotch eggs stay off the menu.

  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Thanks for posting this thread. I was going to post a blog about it but you saved me the trouble.

    We are going away for a few days camping (It's my fault the weather forecast is so bad... Sorry!)

    This means limited access to MFP for logging and no ability to store frozen or chilled food for a decent period of time. There will also be more exposure to "party foods" and booze.

    So what I'm going to do about it?

    I'm generally more active when camping than days in the office but still I'm going to make time for some "proper" exercise each day. Since running is currently out (due to an injury) so this exercise will be cycling and my standard Tabata burpees work out.

    I will stretch twice a day: This is an important part of the physiotherapy program I'm following to try to get my knee back in shape for running.

    We have a pretty good plan of what food we will be taking with us, what we will be buying there, and have planned out a few meals already. I have tweaked these meals to fit into my normal eating plan a little better. For example: I’m planning on having chicken breast and salad on BBQ night rather than the standard “burgers ‘n’ dogs". The girls love bacon butties for breakfast but I’m going to have bacon and eggs (lower carb for similar cals).

    I'm going to record all food in a notebook and retrospectively log this in MFP when I get back. The results are unlikely to be pretty but they will help me to understand any gain. If there is any above maintenance eating (I'm pretty sure most days will be above my weight loss target) I am NOT going to try to claw calories back.

    There is going to be lots of "party food" about, but if/when I do choose to indulge, I am going to go for the HIGEST QUALITY I can. I'm not going to break my good eating habits for low quality crap. Cheap sausage rolls, mass produced cupcakes, and frozen burgers? No thanks. If I want a slice of cake I am going to find the best cake I can and have that. If I'm going to eat a burger it's going to be a great quality burger on a great quality bun. If I'm going to eat big calorie items that don't necessarily fit in with my macro targets the will at least be very tasty and great quality. And, I'm going to enjoy them!

    Best wishes all, whether you're a "Royalist" or "Republican", a "live to party animal" or "it's just a long weekend", or even if you are one of the few that have to work the holiday weekend.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I'm looking forward to the four days off but I cna't go to the gym as my husband is working away so I have to look after my little girl.

    so we'll go for lots of walks and a swim.

    I intend to dust off my 6wk 6pk DVD instead and do that every day.
    And I intend to eat perfectly and just have one cheat meal.
    I am not drinking alcohol.

    I want to be thinner and am glad I just lost 2 kgs I don't intend to sabotage it this weekend.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    are you suggesting that the Queen's coronation 60 years ago was a deliberate attempt to ensure it coincide with the London 2012 olympics? As a conspiracy theory that takes some beating.

    Did we win the Olympics because of the diamond jubilee. Don't believe that either although I am sure it featured.

    The Queen was crowned in February 1952 so she has been Monarch for 60 years, not 59, and unlike Queen Victoria, didn't have the Diamond Jubilee moved.

    I wonder how far you will get in educating the stupid people?

    Have a great summer though, perhaps you can look to emigrating to a nice country like the USA, where they don't have a monarch, providing of course you wont object to them celebrating the 250th anniversary of the declaration of independence in 2026!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Those of us who remember the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 know that was celebrated at the beginning of June too, not to coincide with anything but so we'd have nice weather to celebrate *waves little union flag*.
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    Have some bratworse those germans love it. Low carb is the only way
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    I plan to completely ignore it, this June is not the diamond Jubilee, I rather suspect it's been put here simply to merge with the olympics and con people out of more money. Afterall, a diamond jubilee and olympic year both happening at once? It may very well be the only time it does happen!

    I plan on taking the summer same as last summer. I don't much care that this year she'll have worn the crown for 59 years and I didn't much care in febrary when she had been monarch for 60, and I won't care next summer when she'll have worn the crown for 60 years. I do care though that they think we're stupid enough to buy into the whole diamond Jubilee in June this year, but it's not anything that's going to interfere with me, except make me rant at anyone I feel needs educating...and apparently innocent bystanders the closer it gets.

    You can ignore it or you can rant about it at anyone that you feel needs educating. But you can't do both. By ranting about it, you are not ignoring it.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Just another weekend
    This ^^^
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Those of us who remember the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 know that was celebrated at the beginning of June too, not to coincide with anything but so we'd have nice weather to celebrate *waves little union flag*.

    I remember '77 well. I was 9, it was an exciting time.
  • HellsBells61
    Ignoring for now the irony of the refuse-niks slagging off the Royal Family yet still enjoying the extra day off.....:huh:

    From Saturday to Monday it will be the same routine for me, monitoring food & exercise. But as we are having a big community party on Tuesday I have lots of nice pic-nic style goodies in the fridge for the whole family. I am one of the main organisers of the event so while I will be indulging in the food & drink on offer I will be doing lots of running around so hoping it will all balance out! If it does all go to pot then I have a few days to recover before my next weigh in!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Just another weekend - NOT - it's 4 days long!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • huntingforhipbones
    I am going to be patriotically celebrating my eating my weight in strawberries and dairy-free cream. Who said a treat had to be high-cal? ;)

    That said, given I come from a family of strong republicans we're celebrating an anti-Jubilee weekend - by eating healthily! :P
  • HellsBells61
    are you suggesting that the Queen's coronation 60 years ago was a deliberate attempt to ensure it coincide with the London 2012 olympics? As a conspiracy theory that takes some beating.

    Did we win the Olympics because of the diamond jubilee. Don't believe that either although I am sure it featured.

    The Queen was crowned in February 1952 so she has been Monarch for 60 years, not 59, and unlike Queen Victoria, didn't have the Diamond Jubilee moved.

    I wonder how far you will get in educating the stupid people?

    Have a great summer though, perhaps you can look to emigrating to a nice country like the USA, where they don't have a monarch, providing of course you wont object to them celebrating the 250th anniversary of the declaration of independence in 2026!

    Well said!! :bigsmile: