Any1 got a high protein, low carb eating plan

Hey every1 was wondering if any1 got a great low carb high protein eating plan, would love some ideas :)


  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I follow a Primal/Paleo way of promotes higher protien, good fats, veggies and fruit

    I do have to skew what i eat to go towards the lower carb end of things...some people get Primal/Paleo confused and think it is low isn't - as I could easily stay within the eating style and ingest a boatload of I simply have to watch WHICH fruits and veggies I eat during the day to stay lower carb on this eating style.

    People also get confused and think it is a weight-loss "diet" it isn't - it is a lifestyle way of still have to follow the basic tennets of weight-loss (I.e. calories in = calories out, exercise, etc...) within the eating style if you are looking to loose weight.

    Some people have issues with it because it does sort of give you set of periameters to eat from - eat this this and this and avoid this this and this - I have found this to actually help me - here all the foods I can choose from - GO....others say it is too restrictive - but to each their own
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i have been doing high-protein and low carb for the past week (or more??) can't remember but doing FANTASTIC on it and LOVE IT! it truly has changed things for me. i still eat carbs, but go for the "good" carbs, which would be example banana, green beans, etc. and avoiding altogether cake, pie, tortillas, bread, crackers, pasta, rice, etc. it was hard at first, i admit, because i made my daily goal to be AT LEAST 125g of protein and that is HARD TO DO!

    after a few days, i COMPLETELY STOPPED my cravings for carbs. i am one of those girls who would pass a brownie and go straight for the bread & butter! LOL i LOVE rice, pasta (OMG!) and bread, crackers, chips, etc. those were my weakness. but i haven't even wanted them, it's amazing, once it gets out of your body, it really does make a difference!

    i eat lots of protein-rich foods, and eat about 6 tiny meals per day, about every 3 hours. this is a personal thing for me but it works. i will have eggs scrambled with a *tiny* bit of butter, with lean ham or turkey and cheese for breakfast, drink almond milk, and then perhaps grab a hand-ful of walnuts. protein shake for a snack, and then a protein bar as a snack after i work-out. lunch might be a meatless sandwhich (lean turkey wrapped up in leafy greens or lettuce, with cucumber or zucchini) then maybe another protein shake. meatballs are great, too, with some tomato sauce.

    peanut butter
    nuts (tree nuts are GREAT)
    veggie burgers
    protein shakes (i love muscle milk)
    almond milk
    leafy greens
    veggies that have lots of color variety

    i have some days where i eat over my protein and other days where i can't reach my goal. my favorite dinner right now is ground turkey with green beans, broccoli and squash "stir fry" with no rice. i add red pepper flakes and it's awesome! my kids EAT IT UP. i go to bed so much more full and satisfied, and i have lost weight and BROKE my plateau since doing this. (hadn't lost weight in over 3 months!!!!)

    i avoid sugar (i drink unsweet tea vs. sweet tea or soda) and that has helped ALOT. i didn't like it at first, but got used to it. i grabbed my son's drink the other day by mistake (he had Coke) and it was SO SWEET, i couldn't imagine that i ever drank 6 of those per day!!!!

    i think the big thing to remember is like the previous post said, it has to be a lifestyle and not a fad diet. i can't say, "i won't ever have a slice of cake again in my life." but i can say that right now, i am doing great without it, and i dont' miss anything. i look and feel way too good to go back to the way i was before. good luck, you can do it! :smile:
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    also i wanted to note that i DO NOT add calories or fat daily. i simply try to reach my protein goal, and lower/eliminate carbs. i might have to start counting calories again one day, but as for right now, this is working for me. :smile:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I aim for "about 100". That is - I try to keep carbs under 100g (but anywhere between 80-150 is fine), and try to get my protein up to 100g.

    breakfast - usually based round eggs. 1 egg and 2 egg whites makes a great easy scramble in the microwave. I add some veg, and a bit of cheese for extra protein. Breakfast alternatives - natural yoghurt with nuts, cottage cheese, smoked salmon, bacon.

    Lunch - homemade salad or stew with cheese, chicken, beans as the protein.

    Dinner - grilled meat, steamed fish with veggies on the side. A recent favourite has been lamb and haloumi kebabs.

    Snacks - mini cheeses, nuts, crab sticks, hard boiled egg, roast edemame or soy beans
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    There's Atkins, Stella ( and the 17 day diet (I'm doing the vegetarian version of it after I get down to 190's and a modified version now with "liquids" and a couple of soft things (Cottage cheese and greek yogurt and blueberries thrown in). That site is but there is also at least one threat on here for it if you do a search, someone even lists what you can have on "cycle 1" of that diet. They have a facebook site too.

    Good luck with finding what works best for your body! It can really be a pain. Atkins use to work for me so great when I was younger but now I lost 5 lbs and then just sat there flucturating up and down the same 2-3 lbs no matter what I did, so now I am changing it up a little till I get it happening for me again. Hopefully, I won't have to add back in my one diabetes med that I had come off of due to going on Atkins tho! My main goal is to go off all my diabetes medications and have my blood sugar and HgA1c WNL totally without signs of diabetes.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I haven't been a huge low carb fan for myself, but there may be some forum groups focused on that topic here, though, that might have useful stickies.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    carbs are good for you.