Question for runners



  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 274 Member
    I've given up on both roads and sidewalks for the reasons listed above. I'm a park only runner now.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member

    . incase you don't already, always run AGAINST the flow of traffic...

    I have to say, when I started running, it was after cycling exclusively for 2 years.... the hardest thing to train myself to do was to run against the traffic ;)

    (I don't know why my comment is showing up in the quote box... new to this foum... can you tell!)
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Thanks! Now I know. But, dog turds? Where on earth do you live that there are dog turds on the sidewalk? Is it a city thing? I live in the suburbs and all the dogs I've spoke to, said they prefer the nice, soft grass to poop in.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Thanks! Now I know. But, dog turds? Where on earth do you live that there are dog turds on the sidewalk? Is it a city thing? I live in the suburbs and all the dogs I've spoke to, said they prefer the nice, soft grass to poop in.

    Agreed! Now, goose poop on the other hand LOL...I spent a lot of time dodging that at the park last night...right in the middle of the asphalt running path!