Getting off track....could use some support

Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to MFP and am hoping to gain some support around being consistent with this program. To be honest, I haven't really made much of an effort. I was doing really well in my exercise program and had lost twenty pounds since January. It was going slow, but I had a lot more energy and was getting stronger. I also was working out with a trainer and that seemed to keep me on track. My sessions have since ended and I hate to say it's been over a week since I've been in. To top it off, my eating habits as of late, have been deplorable. I would really love to hear from people that have experienced motivation problems. I don't want to continue to backslide. Blessings to you all!:smile:


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Not so much experienced motivation probs, but I will tell you to suck it up and get your rear in gear.

    You don't have to go to the gym. You can take yourself for a walk, go out biking, jump on a trampoline, anything for the cardio part, it doesn't have to be with a trainer.

    As for the food, honey, you've ate healthy b-4, you can do it again. Just drop the cookie and pick up the carrot.

    You can do this!!
