Young Mama and wife looking to get into shape.

Hey all! I am new to this site and so excited to start trying to get fit. I am 23, a fairly active, stay at home mama and wife. I have close to 20 pounds lingering from when I was preggo with our little guy. He's almost a year old now. When preggo I gained it all in my belly area...I mean people asked how many I was carrying all the time. I have so much skin and fat hanging off my belly now and some on my lower back. I'm skinny in the arms and legs so I look so disproportioned! I went from 122 to 156 while preggo with him and after he was born I got down to 135-140 and that's where I stay. I want to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight with my flat tummy and stay fit!! We are thinking about trying to concieve our second so I'd like to get fit and stay fit throughout the next pregnancy so that I can get back to my self more quickly post partum this time. I was so lazy while preggo with our son...when I should have been walking atleast.
I don't want to end up looking like my mom who gave up on her weight and fitness after her youngest was born. I want to get fit, and healthy and stay that way!! I have a big box of clothing that I used to wear that I can't anymore...I am determind that I WILL get back into them...including feeling good in my string bakini.
I also want to make my hubby proud! He looks so good. We have a farm and he works on another farm and let me say...muscles everywhere, tan, tall, handsome, and THIN. I just feel like I am not what he deserves. He tells me I'm still sexy but I know deep down he'd probably be happy if I got my flat tummy back and could fit into my old lingerie better.
So, I am losing weight for my hubby and my own well being and self esteem. Wish me luck!! :)