June circut exercise


I need to focus on strength training but don't have a lot of time. So I decided to create a circut exercise that can be done at home with my body weight and is designed to challenge myself over the next 30 days. I would welcome anyone to do the circut with me and support each other. The goal is fitness not weight loss or inches loss, though that is nice. I did take measurements and weighin this morning so I will see what happens over the next 30 days, you do not have to. There is no official checkin but I will copy the circut everyday and put the total of the reps done after completed which everyone is welcome to do. If you can't make it to the set number of reps, post how far you did go :wink:

Very simply I start with a base and grow it each day. Day one you do 1 rep of all exercises, day two you do 2 reps of all exercises, day three you do 3 reps of all exercises, and so on:

Narrow Push up (hands make a triangle)
Tricep dip (arms on chair, feet on floor)
Narrow stance squat
Wide stance squat
Lunge (each leg)
Jackknife Sit-Up
Ab Pendulum (each side- http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/exercises.asp?exercise=144)
Plank (this one is 5 seconds a day- day one 5 sec, day two 10 sec, day three 15 sec, and so on)


  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    A little about me... I am 30 with a 10 year old boy. I work full time 8- 4:30. I am a part-time student and should graduate after summer quarter. I am a runner and have completed 4 half marathons, a triathlon, and countless 5K's and 4 milers. I have lost 60 pounds since Oct 2010 and am only 5 pounds from my goal weight. I am now wanting to focus on strenght, inches, and bodyfat.

    Pushup = 1
    Narrow Push up = 1
    Tricep dip =1
    Squat = 1
    Narrow stance squat = 1
    Wide stance squat = 1
    Lunge (each leg) = 1
    Jackknife Sit-Up = 1
    Ab Pendulum = 1
    Plank =5 seconds