I think I need a change...

So I'm still a new(er) runner, and I LOVE IT! I mean truly truly truly love it. There is nothing like the feeling of running and pushing your limitations. I am starting training for my first half on Monday, but I feel lately that there isn't that spark that I had before when it was still brand new. I assumed this was going to happen and I was warned that it would happen, but what do yall veteran runners do with the newness wears off? Do you change your route? (I run in my neighborhood for convenience and do change my routes within a certain degree), find running buddies? Or just keep plowing thru till you fall in lust with running again?


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I've never not loved it. But I also don't ONLY run. I do P90X2, Bike, Tai Chi, etc etc... I only run 3 days per week and am currently training for my 2nd full marathon and have completed several halfs. What training plan are you using? That can make a big difference in entertainment too. Do you use an Ipod... change your music. I like PodRunner, that was fun to add when I started to get bored on longer runs.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I love it, its just I'm not waking up EXCITED like I was before...that I had a hot date with running. I do cycle, yoga, p90x, lift, etc. And I do all of those other things because I want to be a better runner. I do use an Ipod....and frequently download new mixes from rockmyrun. I did a group run last week and that WAS A BLAST! I'm planning on using a 20 week training program and plan on doing group runs for my long distance days. I may download podrunner. Thanks!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I tried to change up my routes to keep things fresh. Living where I do that usually meant going north on A1A one day and south on A1A the next. It's hard to find new places to run when you live on a narrow island :laugh:

    I also liked to play around with different running apps on my iPhone or creating a new music playlist. Sometimes just running at a different time of day helped to alleviate boredom.