Bring It On

Soooo I totally lost my motivation for a while, and started pigging out on mcdonalds and being a heffar and what not, well then I decided to watch Bring It On-In It To Win It (the 5th one) and sudennly my motivation came back to me! Now I'm working harder than ever! You see, this movie is filled with tons of girls in bikini's and tiny little cheer outfits. As I watched with jealousy I realized that I would have to do a lot better if I ever wanted to parade around in a skanky little cheerleading outfit, (which of course is one of my life goals)! So anyway I guess if you have lost your motivation, have a Bring It On marathon and you will be back to skinnier version of yourself in no time!


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Anything that motivates is good!