Lap band surgery life saver when used with MFP!



  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    for some reason when i uploaded my android app.. the phone wouldn't recognize this profile but another one that i had before and never used
    so i will be logging in under my other id - not this one anymore
    other id will be " borac " ..
    have 0 friends on mfp -
  • borac
    borac Posts: 174
    Hi again - this is my other / id that i want to be using from now on . Please add me to your friends :)
  • Prettee2B
    Prettee2B Posts: 39
    Congratulations on your weight loss! I agree My fitness Pal is the greates. I am 39years of age and new to the community I just recently made committment to weight loss journey, in the beginning stages all the appointments and evaluation for lap band surgery, looking for support, ideas and to support and share ideas.
    Enjoy your day
  • Prettee2B
    Prettee2B Posts: 39
    Yes you can do it! Congratulations :happy:
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am 61 too. I began here in March 2012. MFP is indeed a life saving tool. I am doing this without surgery. It is not easy any way you choose to get healthier, but the goal is the same. I had bad knees too. I did not begin to exercise until October 2012 after I lost the first 100#. Now, I do cardio, mostly on an elliptical machine, M-F, and walk 3 miles on Sat & Sun. I was wearing size 24W(which was pretty tight) and on March 29th 2013 I bought my first size 8 pair of jeans, which actually fit. I am 7 pounds away from my initial goal.
    Don't every let anyone tell you that age or bad knees are an insurmountable hurdle!
    Anyway you choose to change your life will be a positive step towards becoming healthier!
    We can do this! Best of luck to you all!
  • Sarahjbarker
    Sarahjbarker Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to the lap band also, banded 4/4/13, I would love to be friends. And, I need the support!