Everyone is SO JUDGEMENTAL!!

cspong Posts: 260 Member
Yes. They are.

And they always will be.

Its life.

Until people learn that other people are just people and their opinions don't mean squat, I really don't see how anyone could be happy. Its what YOU think and how YOU feel about yourself that matters. The rest should just be whitenoise.

When you're bigger, you're judged as being lazy. When you're working on your weight, you're judged as being obsessive. When you're at your goal weight you're too skinny.

So, complaining that people on here are judging other people and that it's so awful is a little ridiculous.

(and this is coming from someone who is quite large, has crap in her grocery cart on occasion and is the big girl eating salad in restarurants)

Yes, we're here for support, but if you arent finding that in the forums and you find people are too brash, don't venture into the forums. *shrug* I personally find the people on this site very motivating and I love that they feel comfortable enough to share their opinions... even if they aren't popular opinions.

And if you want your faith in humanity restored, head over to the success stories and read the comments. Even for people who are showing their "During" photos, it's compliments galore!

Now go strut your stuff, fitness buddy! Chest out and attitude high!

**Of course, putting people down and harassment are not what I'm referring to, and is far and scarce on this site from what I've seen**