Going over carbs

MFP has set my calorie goal to 1,200 daily which I've been netting daily but every other day or so I've been over on carbs (usually under on fat). Will this stall or slow down my weight loss progress? I've been losing weight but very slowly. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.


  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    The percentages and grams are just guidelines.

    Just remember:

    Protein = 4 cals per g
    Carb = 4 cals per g
    Fat = 9 cals per g
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It really depends on your sensitivity to carbs (especially re water weight). However, you should really make sure you keep your fats and proteins up (keeps your body working healthily), so if you are over on carbs you will be under on those - and the default settings in MFP for those are already low. I would suggest you look into whether 1200 calories is really the right level for you.
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    what are your carbs set to? try to set them around 100 and then stay away from bread, pasta, rice. just have a little steel cut oats, quinoa, ezekial bread once in awhile. (i used to eat bagels, 2 slices of high fiber bread and brown rice daily- and couldn't lose weight)

    I was just reading about Atkins b/c it's low carb- and kind of what i try to do except I let myself have dairy too. I was confused about carbs- but just found out when they say stay low "20" on carbs what they mean is subtract fiber from carbs to get "net carbs".

    I'm around 1200-1400 calories a day too. I'm 5.2 110lbs and my diary is public.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Thanks for your replies. My daily carbs are set to 165