Looking for fitness friends

Hi, I have lost 56lb since January 2012 and am looking for new buddies to help me lose another 56lb by November this year! I am interested in lifting and moulding my body to the lean fit machine I now know I want. I have a long way to go so would appreciate people who can encourage me and would like the occasional encouragement back. Although I am not an expert, I have been working with a Personal Trainer and understand about eating clean and lifting heavy. I am self motivating and don't mind a chat now and again but won't pester you with inane "way to go" comments for every half pound you lose.


  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    Congratulations on your success so far! I am working on getting in the best shape of my life, using Insanity & Chalean Extreme. I workout at home because my kids hated the day care at the gym & I would always find excuses not to go. With my at home workouts, I have everything I need in my living room & I can be with my kids. I have a coach who helps me with my nutrition & now I'm a coach helping others too. Its a fun lifestyle!

    Here is my fitness FB page: https://www.facebook.com/GinasFitLifeWithBB

    Lets reach our goals!!!!
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks Gina - you sound just like the sort of person I should hang out with!
  • Sbzlub
    Sbzlub Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I am totally looking for the same thing. I have been a member for several months, but am just now taking advantage of the message boards. I need to lose about 90 pounds. I am a school teacher, so I am off for the summer. I want to maximize my weight loss potential this summer. I work out with a trainer. I know a lot about nutrition and eating clean. My biggest challenge is self-control. I need to be accountable to others. Good luck to you guys!
  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Thanks for the replies, I still need more!
  • Hey my name is Rachel. I have 35 pounds left to lose, I started out at 200 pounds after I had my second last last year december but now down to 165 and finally getting back serious about getting down to 130. I would love to encourage and push you and anyone else along the way! I workout mostly right now by going on long walks pushing the kids in a double jogging stroller but in July I am going to start my Insanity and P90x hybrid workout. I don't really go to the gym because I hate the mommy room. Anyway friend me if you or anyone else like!!