Looking for twinkies*

My name is Jessica and I am 6'0" tall weighing over 400lbs. No one believes that I weight that much not even my doctor when I step on the scale right in front of him. He says you must have a lot of underlying muscle. Then I ell him I was on the weight lifting team in high school and he says well of course that's why you weight so much and don't look like it. I say to him, So how much do you think I should weight? Because everything I read on the internet says I should weight about 150lbs. He says if you weighed 150lbs you would be under weight for you height and muscle mass. I ask him what I should weight and he told me that 210lbs-250lbs would be good. I told him I know people on MFP that weight 200lbs and are trying to lose weight. He says but your body is different. He said if you take a 5'6" women that weighs 150lbs and put her next to you at 250lbs. y'all would probably wear the same size pants.

I was shocked!! I have been thinking this whole time I have been trying to lose weight that I would have to lose 300 or more lbs. to be a healthy weight. Now I see that I don;t have as much to lose as I thought. I am now revitalized to get back on track to get healthy and lose weight.

I am looking for others on here about my same stats to friend me so we can all motivate each other and discuss the trial and tribulations we go thru.