How much do you eat for breakfast?



  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    Usually around 350 cals, but it can range from about 300 to 450.
  • summer827
    summer827 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm 5", 115-116 lbs, working on losing fat. i eat 450-500 for breakfast, at least 20 gm protein. It"s my 2nd largest meal.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Today was 596 cals ... depends on what my day will consist of ... it will range from 250 - 700+ easily on heavy workout days. Breakfast is usually my biggest meal of the day. This does however include a protein drink that can add 280 cals .... and additional fruit including fresh strawberries, blueberries ... and I always eat an apple either in my Oatmeal or by itself ! Yummmmmy ! :tongue:
  • GAsoulstar
    GAsoulstar Posts: 84 Member
    I usually eat between 300-500 calories on Monday through Friday (because I workout in the morning) and I drink a lot of water. My calories intake varies because it depends on what days I am working out. It is all about developing an eating routine and changing it up from week to week.
  • linabinaboo
    anywhere from 400-800 depending on the day. breakfast is my biggest meal, and it usually takes me 1-2 hours to eat it. I purposely wake up early so I can comfortably get the calories in.
    I usually start of with a fruit smoothie with fruit & 1.5 Tblp peanut butter
    and then either eggs (2-3) or oatmeal (.5 cup dry)
    ^ that usually puts me around 400cal.
    When I go for 800, I really don't know what happens. I can't remember how I get that high, I just do! I don't regret it though because it's usually wholesome food that fuels me for the rest of the day. (:
  • jackfield77
    Usually around 400 calories for breakfast :)
  • bradshaws
    bradshaws Posts: 23 Member
    about 200-300cal every morning. Except for today because it's the weekend and I slept though breakfast. Plus, idk what the hell I want to eat haha.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    usually around 350...a little more on weekends when I have time to actually cook something.
  • SaldreCampeona
    SaldreCampeona Posts: 1 Member
    Being a vegan, I usually rely on carbs such as oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast - clocking in at 300 - 500 calories with generally between 50 - 80 grams of carbs. As for protein, it's almost always under 10 grams - unless if I add a scoop of protein powder in my pancakes or have a smoothie along side, raising the caloric amount to 400-650 calories with ~25 grams of protein.

    I also usually have a Luna or Clif Mojo bar as a morning snack if I'm at school; I'm young and active, so why not take advantage of my metabolism by eating as much as I possibly can?!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    900 Calories. My number is going to be on the high side. Breakfast is my first meal after my workout and I eat accordingly. 32oz gatorade, 25g protein powder every time, and either 2 cups of raisin bran w/milk OR 4 eggs OR 2 packets instant oatmeal OR a subway whole egg/ham/cheese on wheat with OJ.

    My whole day tends to be around 2400-2700 cal. This week and the next few weeks should be 3200+ as I'm trying to gain a little back before dropping some more lbs
  • priorm123
    priorm123 Posts: 14
    I have the same breakfast every day (560kcal), as having tried every different food combination and calorie allowance possible it is the only one that keeps me going through till lunch, and therefore resist food temptations. I have porridge made from 60g whole rolled oats, 40g ground almonds, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, and 250ml of either skimmed milk or alpro almond milk. All together it's really quite tasty, and although I feel a bit bloated for about an hour after eating it (usually at around 9:30am), it keeps me going until about 1:30-2:30pm when I have lunch. It helps me if I have my lunch later as if I snack in the afternoon I can't stop.
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I try to stay between 400-500 calories.
  • kkmarie11
    kkmarie11 Posts: 114
    seems everyone has a pretty big breakfast
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    between 450 and 500 calories.

    typically I have a ham and spinach omelet with a bowl of oatmeal and coffee.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Around 400 cals. Breakfast is my most important meal.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    Porridge 400 cals followed by at least 2 hours on the bike
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    320. Almond milk + 3/4 cup granola.
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    right around 300 calories give or take.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I have always heard to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dinner like a pauper. Not sure how true it is.

    My breakfast is usually only around 130 cals. But, it consists of a wheat wrap with turkey bacon, eggbeater omelet with sauteed mushrooms, bell peppers and spinach. So, its pretty filling.
  • mali240
    mali240 Posts: 126
    I looove eggs, so generally it's about omelet or scrambled with two rotis (Indian version of tortilla wrap)

    Edited: forgot to add, generally end up eating roughly 250-300 calories