

  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Thankfully, I'm not diabetic either and can eat 2-3 fruit servings per day. hasiangirl, we know we aren't fat from eating fruit, it's all good. :happy:
    lol i'm just putting in my two cents.....lioness do not get upset but i dont agree with your statement "You can get fat from fruit" natural fruit is good for u and there are many people who have based their diets off of nothing but fruits, veggies, and nuts
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I know that fruit can be an issue for some people, and it may contribute to their weight problems (like white bread, sometimes sugary fruits can set people off on a binge, increasing their overall calorie intake). There's all that insulin stuff I don't have to worry about.
    I wasn't trying to dig at Lioness, I was just saying people are different and not everyone is in the same situation.

    Thankfully, I'm not diabetic either and can eat 2-3 fruit servings per day. hasiangirl, we know we aren't fat from eating fruit, it's all good. :happy:
    lol i'm just putting in my two cents.....lioness do not get upset but i dont agree with your statement "You can get fat from fruit" natural fruit is good for u and there are many people who have based their diets off of nothing but fruits, veggies, and nuts
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I know that fruit can be an issue for some people, and it may contribute to their weight problems (like white bread, sometimes sugary fruits can set people off on a binge, increasing their overall calorie intake). There's all that insulin stuff I don't have to worry about.
    I wasn't trying to dig at Lioness, I was just saying people are different and not everyone is in the same situation.

    Thankfully, I'm not diabetic either and can eat 2-3 fruit servings per day. hasiangirl, we know we aren't fat from eating fruit, it's all good. :happy:
    lol i'm just putting in my two cents.....lioness do not get upset but i dont agree with your statement "You can get fat from fruit" natural fruit is good for u and there are many people who have based their diets off of nothing but fruits, veggies, and nuts
    thats why in my comment i also wrote for "ME" personally i understand everyone's different, but i dont believe its the fruit itself that causes weight gain its exactly what u said if it triggers sweet tooth problems and then binge after than its the food after...
  • leavinglasvegas
    GRAPEFRUIT!!!!!!!!! I eat one every day! It took some getting used to, but I peal it and eat it like an orange, rather than cutting it in half and smothering it in sugar the way my mom taught me.

    Health Benefits

    Grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Pink and red grapefruit are good sources of disease-fighting beta-carotene. If you peel and eat a grapefruit like you would an orange, you get a good dose of cholesterol-lowering pectin from the membranes -- the same soluble fiber that fills you up by dissolving in water and creating gels. As a member of the citrus family, grapefruit is also a storehouse of powerful phytochemicals such as flavonoids, terpenes, and limonoids. These naturally occurring substances may have cancer-preventing properties.

    Nutritional Values
    Grapefruit, Pink or Red
    Serving Size: 1/2 fruit
    Calories: 52
    Fat: <1 g
    Saturated: Fat 0 g
    Cholesterol: 0 mg
    Carbohydrate: 13 g
    Protein: 1 g
    Dietary Fiber: 2 g
    Sodium: 0 mg
    Vitamin A: 1,414 IU
    Niacin: <1 mg
    Vitamin C: 38 mg
    Potassium: 166 mg
    Carotenoids: 2,589 mcg

    Pink grapefruit contain a carotenoid called lycopene. Lycopene helps protect cell membranes and may suppress tumor growth, especially prostate tumors.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i LOVE most fruits, and all of them have nutrional values that we need, in it's most natural form. my fav fruit is banana's and i lost 25 + lbs eating one every day! :tongue: