For those who need some tips and encouragement

mamajbanks Posts: 7 Member
I am very surprised at myself that I am able to keep losing weight every week. 1-2 lbs a week. Just letting you know I am no way perfect and have bumps along the road. I also have some bad days that I'm just too lazy and tired to eat right. But the only thing that keeps me on track is having my goal weight set in front of me and the thought of fitting in my old clothes keeps me motivated. So its okay to fall along the way. Don't beat yourself up and try another day. Also take one day at a time so it is not so overwhelming for you. I have already lost 11 pounds but have another 30 pounds to go. So I have a long way to go myself. But I just thought I share some tips for those who really need some guidance.

I am actually using Herbalife shakes which are totally a life saver and LEAN eating program that's helping me. Though I am not great at logging my food, I usually plan my meals for the week so I won't set myself for a downfall and temptations and that I have healthy foods in the house for the week. I am not great with exercise but I try to do some light exercise for 20mins 4 times a week or just walking baby to the mall and housework keeps me active. I am 12 weeks and 3 days pp and had a C-section so I really can't do heavy activity because I feel when I do, I'll get sore all over. So yeah, I am taking one day at a time, one healthy meal at a time so things dont seem too overwhelming. And the weight just falls off without trying to hard. The only tip that keeps me on track is plan, plan and plan ahead so you don't go offtrack. Anyway it would be great to know how you guys/ladies are doing?


  • ajbltn
    ajbltn Posts: 57
    I have an 11 month old... And he was also a c section, so I feel you in that one. It's hard. I only just started trying really hard to lose the weight I need I lose. I have about 100 lbs to lose to be in a healthy BMI range, and that number scares the s*** out of me. So I have to break it down into small increments. That helps. I can tell you tho that my baby boy is my biggest motivation. He needs a healthy mom!

    I come on here and read posts on motivation, success stories, find friends, read recipes literally every day. That always helps me think that what I'm doing is good, and to know you aren't the only one is great! And the tracking totally helps. It allows me to be accountble for myself and I do better if I can see the numbers. Working out was hard at first, but it got easier. Even earlier in after my c section, the ore I moved the better I felt. And I know I healed faster because I kept moving.

    Congrats on the little bundle! And good luck!
  • mamajbanks
    mamajbanks Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks ajbltn. So sorry for the late reply. As you know I feel like a zombie day to day doing the normal routines of taking care of bubs that its hard to check on my posts. I wished they sent me an email if someone's replied.

    I know that's a big number to tackle and I agree that you have to break it down to small increments so its not so overwhelming. One of the things that help me was to keep moving - doing the housework, walking up and down the stairs, walking to the mall with bubs (I love that more because I love shopping or window shopping). Do something that you love.. no point forcing yourself to do something that you don't like because it can be quite discouraging to do it the future. Eating the right foods is so important - 80% nutrition and 20% exercise and drink lots and lots of water. Oh and one thing its really hard to eat well because looking after my 3 month old can be really forlorn and time consuming that its hard to make your own food. I'm on protein shakes and yes it is a meal replacement I have for breakfast and lunch and have been losing 1-2 pounds every week which is great.

    Anyway I hope you're well and losing the weight you want and keeping well with your baby.
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