


  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I've taken them before. By a "doctor". Yes, I lost weight. Because I didn't eat. As soon as I stopped taking them (and started eating) the weight came back on, and then some.
  • neesey84
    neesey84 Posts: 9
    From my experience, yes I have taken pills and I have lost weight on them, fast. But when you go off of them, because you can't be on them forever, you will start gaining your weight back, and fast. My reason why we gain weight back after getting off of them, because we are starving ourselves. Those pills suppress our appetite to the point of consuming few calories. Our bodies are in starvation mode. Once you get off, you are wanting to eat everything because of being so hungry from eating few calories for so long, even if you go back up to your daily calorie intake, you will gain a some weight. If you take them, you should really eat, even when you don't feel like it. Get those calories in. Pills are scary. If you have health issues, like high blood pressure, you shouldn't take then and sometimes even if you have the health issues, a doctor will still give you them because he/she wants your business. Make sure it's a doctor you trust. Also, some people because reliant on these pills and it could do some damage over time. I was taking some a while back and passed out taking them. That's when I told myself I will not "kill" myself to lose weight. I wanted to do it the right way and use natural ingredients to help suppress my appetite. Green tea and apples are some ideas. But when it comes down to it, you know your body better then anyone else. Trust your body and what you feel is best. :) Good luck!
  • emb0zad
    emb0zad Posts: 3 Member
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    This info is per Dr. Daniel Amen, in his NYTimes bestseller "The Amen Solution." I personally find this book a valuable diet/life tool. I also found that staying clean of sugar works better for me than diet pills. Back in the 1990's, when it was legal, I took Phen - Fen, a combination of 2 diet pills that proved lethal for some dieters. I'm grateful that I was not harmed by this.

    I wish you success in finding the healthiest solution!

    I was going to mention this. I would be wary of taking any medication that was part of a combination like that. I've never even considered Alli either--too many reports of gastrointestinal issues from it. Low Carb I can do, and I understand the science behind it.
  • davidmcgowan1987
    Phentermine is basically speed... its very similar to amphetamines...

    so, it depends on the answer to a question you should ask yourself "am i comfortable taking what is basically meth lite or is there another way"

    personally id give them a go, but only because im a bit fool hardy and macho

    think hard about it but dont shy away if its what you want.

    but remember, once you stop taking the pills... if you dont eat right you will put all of that weight back on
  • Shrinkingmam0429
    Shrinkingmam0429 Posts: 58 Member
    I agree... No one can depend on a pill to do the work. Obviously if the person doesnt have the will power, once the pill is gone, the weight comes back. Me, personally have had great results on phentermine. But I also dont take it the way some people do for a short cut, I do it mostly to keep myself from gaining weight because of birth control, So i'm not having MAJOR magic weightloss from a pill. I'm having weightloss from the hard work I'm doing MYSELF with Diet & exercise.

    Oh and i haven't had any negative symptoms from this product ! :)
  • teresabreeding
    teresabreeding Posts: 20 Member
    I used Phentermine several years ago and lost about 30 pounds in 2 months. However, I was jittery, irritable, and had trouble sleeping. But I continued because I was happy with the weight loss. But, I started to get immune to them after so long and then they stop working.
    I gained it all back plus more.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    Both my friend and sister took phentermine to help them lose weight. They both lost weight while taking it, but it suppressed their appetites so effectively that they wouldn't eat all day long and then when the pills wore off for the day they would be starving and binge on junk. Once they stopped taking phentermine they gained all the weight back they had lost and some extra too.

    I think phentermine can be used appropriately if there is some nutritional counseling, etc. involved so people can maintain healthy eating habits once they stop using it.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    I have taken them a few years ago for a few months, and it kind of jump started my weight loss. Here is the thing (I work for a physician so this is my experience and experiences I've had in the office)

    1. I haven't found an insurance yet that will pay for them, so it's $$ isn't that cheap if I recall
    2. It has to be prescribed by a doctor/nurse practioner/physicians assistant. If they are worth their salt, you will have monthly visits to the doctor to discuss weight management. If you have no medical insurance this is more $$.
    3. You are only supposed to take them for 2 or 3 months at a time, in conjunction with diet and exercise. It really is not a "take this pill - magic weight loss" You take this pill and it helps you get started on change your lifestyle. helps you crave less food and gives you energy to start exercising regularly. By 2 months you should have a good routine and not need the pills anymore
    4. Phentermine is one component of an old drug that was recalled called Fen-Phen. Unsure of the coding so here is the link -

    5. If you have an addictive personality, I would just take a pass on this drug.
    6. This drug has a lot of medication that it can not be combined with including but not limited to most antidepressants.
  • Shrinkingmam0429
    Shrinkingmam0429 Posts: 58 Member
    I have taken them a few years ago for a few months, and it kind of jump started my weight loss. Here is the thing (I work for a physician so this is my experience and experiences I've had in the office)

    1. I haven't found an insurance yet that will pay for them, so it's $$ isn't that cheap if I recall
    2. It has to be prescribed by a doctor/nurse practioner/physicians assistant. If they are worth their salt, you will have monthly visits to the doctor to discuss weight management. If you have no medical insurance this is more $$.
    3. You are only supposed to take them for 2 or 3 months at a time, in conjunction with diet and exercise. It really is not a "take this pill - magic weight loss" You take this pill and it helps you get started on change your lifestyle. helps you crave less food and gives you energy to start exercising regularly. By 2 months you should have a good routine and not need the pills anymore
    4. Phentermine is one component of an old drug that was recalled called Fen-Phen. Unsure of the coding so here is the link -

    5. If you have an addictive personality, I would just take a pass on this drug.
    6. This drug has a lot of medication that it can not be combined with including but not limited to most antidepressants.

    You definitely have alot of information on this Medication. Are you a nurse?
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    I have taken them a few years ago for a few months, and it kind of jump started my weight loss. Here is the thing (I work for a physician so this is my experience and experiences I've had in the office)

    1. I haven't found an insurance yet that will pay for them, so it's $$ isn't that cheap if I recall
    2. It has to be prescribed by a doctor/nurse practioner/physicians assistant. If they are worth their salt, you will have monthly visits to the doctor to discuss weight management. If you have no medical insurance this is more $$.
    3. You are only supposed to take them for 2 or 3 months at a time, in conjunction with diet and exercise. It really is not a "take this pill - magic weight loss" You take this pill and it helps you get started on change your lifestyle. helps you crave less food and gives you energy to start exercising regularly. By 2 months you should have a good routine and not need the pills anymore
    4. Phentermine is one component of an old drug that was recalled called Fen-Phen. Unsure of the coding so here is the link -

    5. If you have an addictive personality, I would just take a pass on this drug.
    6. This drug has a lot of medication that it can not be combined with including but not limited to most antidepressants.

    You definitely have alot of information on this Medication. Are you a nurse?

    I'm taking it under strict supervision of my dr. I have lost weight previously using different "non-drug" methods so he knows I can do it. However, I've never got as heavy as I got this last time and couldn't get myself together for some reason. It did help curb my hunger (I'm a huge emotional/bored eater). Gave me energy to want to move. I will be seeing a nutritionist at the hospital even though I "know how to eat and exercise". My dr. just felt better about prescribing it if I did so. Also I have a friend doing the same program as me through a medspa clinic that my dr. also helps his friend run. (I couldn't afford to go that route). My prescription is only $27 at Rite Aid for a 30 day supply and no, my insurance doesn't cover it.
  • TahanyE
    TahanyE Posts: 83
    I used it about 6.5 years ago. Lost 20 lbs. Had to remind myself to eat. Only took one in the morning and sometimes only did every other day. Ive thought about trying it again. But in the end I have gained 50 lbs in the 6 years since coming off of them and am just now down to within 10 lbs of where I was when I was taking them. I took them to lose weight for my wedding and it did the trick but in the end I went back to my bad eating habits. Doctors around here don't prescribe it so I couldn't get it now anyway.
  • josyjozy
    josyjozy Posts: 117 Member
    I have taken them a few years ago for a few months, and it kind of jump started my weight loss. Here is the thing (I work for a physician so this is my experience and experiences I've had in the office)

    1. I haven't found an insurance yet that will pay for them, so it's $$ isn't that cheap if I recall
    2. It has to be prescribed by a doctor/nurse practioner/physicians assistant. If they are worth their salt, you will have monthly visits to the doctor to discuss weight management. If you have no medical insurance this is more $$.
    3. You are only supposed to take them for 2 or 3 months at a time, in conjunction with diet and exercise. It really is not a "take this pill - magic weight loss" You take this pill and it helps you get started on change your lifestyle. helps you crave less food and gives you energy to start exercising regularly. By 2 months you should have a good routine and not need the pills anymore
    4. Phentermine is one component of an old drug that was recalled called Fen-Phen. Unsure of the coding so here is the link -

    5. If you have an addictive personality, I would just take a pass on this drug.
    6. This drug has a lot of medication that it can not be combined with including but not limited to most antidepressants.

    You definitely have alot of information on this Medication. Are you a nurse?

    yes ma'am =)

    I'm glad it's not that expensive, about 10 years ago it was unreal.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I was pretty iffy about these as well, but I kept hearing about them from countless people in the tanning salon I used to work for. So, finally after talking to a woman about it who's opinion I could actually trust, I was in. She had lost 50lbs in 5 months. It was prescribed to her by her doctor, and she has also been eating better and exercising on a regular basis. So, I tried them starting at the end of March, and have lost 20lbs in barely over 2 months. I haven't been taking one every day, and some days I only take half of one. But it's working! I have to remember to eat, and I have more energy than ever with my kids.

    Downside- If you have ANY family history of heart or blood pressure issues, these are absolutely NOT recommended. They are proven to raise your blood pressure. I have also heard them called "glorified speed". The most I've gotten as far as heart racing etc... is feeling like I just chugged an energy drink if I don't eat right after taking it. It can be addictive so sometimes I go 3-4 days without taking it, just to be sure I'm not getting "sucked in". I get mine monthly at a weight loss clinic. It cost me $160 for the first visit and 30 day supply, and it will be $125 for each subsequent visit (still have not had to refill).

    Good luck! I don't want to endorse them, although I know they help. Some nights I feel like I can't go to sleep or even stay asleep. They mess with you. The same weight loss clinic also supplys the HCG, which I'm now considering... I hope you make the right decision for you!


    So since the the amphetamines aren't enough, you are now considering taking fake hormones and starving yourself.. awesome. Please step away from the diet crack and do this the normal way.. you'll be happy you did.

    To OP:
    I wouldn't do it... I never took diet pills of any kind, but why would you want to?

    Keep at the course and keep playing around.. the weight will come off, but you just need to find what works for you.. and I'm pretty sure diet pills aren't it.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Obviously it is not a long term solution, it teaches you absolutely nothing about healthier eating and keeping the weight off.
    I took phentermine for 2 months and lost 45 lbs it supressed my appetite very well, in addition to the supressant i was not consuming sugar or carbs. Now since this time around i cant afford the phentermine im just doing the no sugar no carbs thing with at least 45 min of sweating and im down 11 lbs in 5 days.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    I don't get why anyone would want to add chemicals to their body.... have you looked at the side effects and long term effects? What does it teach you about healthy living? What happens when you stop taking the drug? What about the costs? Take that money and put it into healthier foods or exercise equipment.

    I totally understand that some people are desperate but why risk it?? Thousands of people are losing weight safely and keeping it off by changing what they eat, drinking more water and exercising.
  • justdazed
    justdazed Posts: 57 Member
    Obviously it is not a long term solution, it teaches you absolutely nothing about healthier eating and keeping the weight off.

    Depends on how you approach it.

    I'm working on a diet plan with my doctor and she suggested Phentermine. Why? Because for the past year of overhauling my diet and exercise routine I have lost hardly anything. Add to that multiple blood tests for PCOS, Thyroid etc. which all came back negative.. I know it's not a "magic pill" but I'm considering it because it could be a FORWARD stepping stone in my weight loss.

    It teaches you absolutely nothing only if you want it to.

    Edited for clarity.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I have been on phentermine for 2.5 months. I currently take one pill a day, but I am now switching to 1/2 pill a day. My hope is to finish this month, and then stop taking them. In the first two months I lost 24 pounds, but I did not follow the diet. In fact, the appetite suppresent seemed to wear off after about 3 weeks, if not earlier. I have no side effects, at all! In fact, the only reason I am taking the pill is because it seems to give me more energy...not "crack" like energy, but just feel good energy.

    I follow the diet plan on MFP, instead of the 1200 calorie a day diet. I do not agree with the low carb diet, because I dont feel like it is sustainable. I feel like that is the best way to set yourself up to fail. I usually eat around 1200-1400 calories on the days I don't workout, and then 1600-2000 on the days I do. When I workout, I burn between 600-1200 calories, and I do that 4-5 times a week.

    You have to be realistic in how you approach phentermine. It is not a magic diet pill!! I see so many women who brag about losing weight without having to diet or workout on the pill, and then complain about it when they stop taking it and gain the weight back. Well, of course you will gain it back!!! Use it as a tool, and not just as an appetite suppresent.

    I would only recommend this pill to someone who is serious about making changes...and not just looking for a quick weight loss option. If you are someone who doesnt like to workout, or who doesnt want to make diet changes, this pill is not for you!!! If you are serious about making the changes needed to keep the weight off, I think it is a great tool.