Stopped 'Dieting' and Lost Weight. What is going on?

I started living healthier in October, beginning at 226 pounds. About two weeks ago, I completed the insanity program. I essentially got stuck at 167 pounds during the last month of it. Having finished it, I decided to take a few days off standard 'dieting'. I still aimed to get between 1200 and 1600 calories a day, and was pretty successful, but I was a lot more relaxed about it. I also didn't weigh myself as much as I had been before. The few days turned into a few weeks. I've been exercising when I feel like it, and behaving myself pretty well food-wise, but allowing a few more treats. Yesterday, I stepped on the scale, only to find I was down to 158 pounds. I figured it was a fluke, and didn't really get excited about it. Then today, I weighed myself in the middle of the day, and was still at 158. I'm incredibly confused now, and was hoping someone could explain why this is happening. To myself, I don't look that drastically different, not ten pounds in 3 weeks different, but a family member said they could tell.