Is english language the worst?



  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    I, personally, do not understand why people complain about grammar and spelling "nazis," when correct spelling, grammar and usage are the only way to be clearly understood in any language.

    As far as English is concerned, not entirely true - it's notorious for syntactically correct but semantically ambiguous sentence structure. The following examples can be interpreted in two ways, either of which would be equally as valid (as far as syntactical ambiguity goes, either via subject / object distinction or down to lexical connotation):

    "The lady hit the man with an umbrella."
    "He played Hamlet as well as Macbeth.
    "There are two outstanding results."
    "Turn right here."

    And as far as phonological interpretation goes, I would hate to be a second-language speaker of English who heard this (perfectly acceptable utterance) in conversation, given the six identical pronunciations of six completely different meanings (not that it's exactly likely, but doesn't make it any less valid!):

    "Rose rose to put rose roes on her rows of roses"