Should I give up?

I really don't want to do this, but it seems that I just can't follow through with my normal eating and exercise habits. Since I've started this, which was in April, I have lost only 10 pounds. And actually I probably gained some back because I haven't weighed myself in a week or so. I know what they say . . . going slowly is better than nothing at all, but I don't think I can wait that long! I don't have as much time for exercise as I used to, and my eating habits have gotten worse. My motivation has gone down the drain, and I never log anything anymore. Should I just give up?


  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    I would not give up and here is why... I decided to lose weight at the beginning of the year and I did awesome for 4 months and then like you I lost my motivation. My unhealthy eating habits came back and I quit exercising. Now I am starting again and it is harder this time and I look at where I was three months ago and it makes me sad to know I did this to myself.

    The going get tough but hang in there, make time for this and for you, because you are worth it!
  • rwalden628
    rwalden628 Posts: 54
    NO! Don't give up! It has taken me a year to lose 20lbs! You're going to have bad days... just own it and move on! Do better the next day.

    You said you don't think you can "wait that long"... I'd ask for what? If you 1/2 way do your diet & exercise you'll be making more progress than stopping all together.

    Join a gym... or a running group. Working out with others makes it more fun for sure. Get a buddy. Use this site!

    Just don't give up! It CAN be done!

    <a href=""><img border="0" src="; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Nutrition Facts</a> For Foods</small></p>
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Try and keep up as much of the healthy changes as you can, and slowly get yourself back into it. Just small choices everyday can make a big difference. Don't give up!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    dont give up. you WILL get there and it does'nt matter how long it takes. just pick yourself up and start again, it's hard when your stuck in a rut but sometimes just forcing yourself to get back on track and before you know it your feeling great again. i hope you stick with it. goodluck!
  • injuneer81
    injuneer81 Posts: 122 Member
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    FItgal don't give up, you can do this, and if you can't wait to get to your goal, what will happen if you stop all together? You will only get farther and farther from that goal and it will be so much harder to get there again.

    My moto has been to take one day, one meal at a time. We all have set backs, but it is making the decision to get past those bad times and keep plugging forward. So you can't excercise, diet is 97% of loosing weight anyway. You need to take one meal and snack at a time and ask yourself if it is worth it.

    You CAN do this!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Never, never, never give up

    unless you want to end up fat for the rest of your life :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Don't give up.

    Read this- it helps me everytime I read it. :flowerforyou:
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    I would not give up and here is why... I decided to lose weight at the beginning of the year and I did awesome for 4 months and then like you I lost my motivation. My unhealthy eating habits came back and I quit exercising. Now I am starting again and it is harder this time and I look at where I was three months ago and it makes me sad to know I did this to myself.

    The going get tough but hang in there, make time for this and for you, because you are worth it!

    exact same story here. but getting back into it, i am losing again and feeling great. it took a fitness bootcamp and the possibilty of a beach vacation to move me back on track.

    its not about how fast will i be smaller, its learning to live better and feel better with being smaller as the result of your commitment. i learned this the hard way but i refuse to go back.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Don't quit fitgal, I've only lost 11 pounds since April. I've also lost and gained the same 5 pounds 4 times, lol. Try to think of it as a lifestyle change, not a part time change and you may have a better time adjusting. Someone else said if you can't exercise at least watch what you eat and I agree. It's hard to find time in the summer, it's warm and very busy, but things will slow down and you will get into a pace where you can figure it out. You can do it, I know u can, let that nagging Wii become your best friend again :wink:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    You need to read what you've included in your own signature...

    "I know I can . . . I know I can . . ."

  • Mikey777
    Mikey777 Posts: 9
    Never give up! Think of it this way...even small adjustments make an impact over time. Even if you lose only 1/2 of a pound per week that is still 26 pounds in a year!
  • judybinfo
    judybinfo Posts: 2
    :flowerforyou: I got motivated to try this calorie logging by 2 things - a friend who lost nearly 100lbs doing it, and reading a really important book by Dr Kessler, called "The End of Overeating". (Actually, I listened to it on ipod). I haven't lost much yet - just started about 10 days ago - but I have been following Dr Kessler's advice and staying away from stuff that triggers my appetite for several weeks, with the bonus of getting back at our out-of-control food industry. (The book is about how "they" go about triggering us to want more rather than helping us become satisfied; layering fat upon sweet upon fat, etc).

    If you are having a hard time staying motivated, read his book. I got so angry at how "they" have been manipulating me (and most Americans), I started eating healthier, and discovered I was less hungry all the time! Then I decided to try my friend's method, only to realize that by gosh I had been eating a lot of calories before the change! One by-product of eating mostly whole, unprocessed foods is that it is not only healthier but easier to track!

    I feel so in control and am not driven by hunger like all my prior diets! So don't give up - try something like this book to get yourself over the doldrums....
  • biochemnrd
    biochemnrd Posts: 33
    "There's only one thing that can guarantee failure, and that's if we quit"

  • junkgypsy
    junkgypsy Posts: 217
    I don't even know what this thread was about.

    I didn't read past the topic line, asking 'should I quit?'

  • madmama
    madmama Posts: 123 Member
    Giving up means that the goal you have set will not be attained. I look at your ticker, I see a person who has made it half way to their goal. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!! Everyone here has hit a plateau and get frustrated, stick with it you will make it.

    You mention that your time for exercise is at a premium so try the little things like taking the stairs whenever you can, going for a walk at lunch, if you take public transit get off a stop early to walk the extra distance.

    Take time to pack a healthy lunch with snacks like fruit, vegies and nuts.

    These are just some small changes that can lead to big changes. Whatever you do, don't give up, it is harder the second time around.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I really don't want to do this, but it seems that I just can't follow through with my normal eating and exercise habits. Since I've started this, which was in April, I have lost only 10 pounds. And actually I probably gained some back because I haven't weighed myself in a week or so. I know what they say . . . going slowly is better than nothing at all, but I don't think I can wait that long! I don't have as much time for exercise as I used to, and my eating habits have gotten worse. My motivation has gone down the drain, and I never log anything anymore. Should I just give up?

    What exactly are you "waiting" for? I think that could be where the issue is. Don't look at it as if your life starts when your weight loss is a success. This is your training wheels for the rest of your life! Live it now, and enjoy it now. If you do this right, its a lifestyle change, not a "diet". No one wants to yo yo their whole life and have a war with food. learn to live at peace with food, and respect it instead of fearing it or avoiding or indulging in it. And "healthy" food can be soooooo yummy! (try the Eating for Life cookbook..YUM!)

    I am talking to myself too when i write this. I struggle just like everyone else. But this time (and I mean the weight i have lost over the past 1.5 years) i am eating in moderation, what I want, but healthy foods. I eat my "earned" calories if I am hungry for them. I just recently decided to take the next level in my weight loss and i have lost 6 lbs since July 4th. I'm working my butt of, doing P90X and hardly keeping up, but i try! and i eat yummy food while i'm doing it. nothing in me feels like i am on a diet, i feel great. You can too!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    What exactly are you "waiting" for? I think that could be where the issue is. Don't look at it as if your life starts when your weight loss is a success. This is your training wheels for the rest of your life! Live it now, and enjoy it now. If you do this right, its a lifestyle change, not a "diet". No one wants to yo yo their whole life and have a war with food. learn to live at peace with food, and respect it instead of fearing it or avoiding or indulging in it. And "healthy" food can be soooooo yummy! (try the Eating for Life cookbook..YUM!)

    I agree, what are you waiting for?
    It can be waiting to see yourself in that awesome dress, in that special outfit. There's no time limit, and you should not put a time limit on becoming healthy.

    We didn't get like this over a month of bad eating, This took years for most people.

    Every day or every other day when I look in the mirror. I say to myself, good work, but a long way to go still. I don't care if it takes 6 months (5 mths now), or if it takes 1-2 years.

    It's a HEALTHY lifestyle change, we all deserve to treat our body the best we can for our future.
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Sometimes I read posts like this one and think to myself, why did you even start if you did not want it?
    If you quit you are not quitting MFP, you are quitting on yourself! We will go on with our lives and journeys, and forget you, but you will never forget! If you do not love yourself, then who will? Don't quit, make time for yourself! I hate exercise, I hate to sweat, and I love the delicacies I know how to cook, but I love me more than I love all the food in the world! Start loving yourself a little bit more! If you can lose 10 pounds then you can lose all that you need to to reach your goal! The biggest loser would be you! do not let that happen.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I wouldn't give up. My suggestion to you would be to have a workout partner. Mine is actually on this site as well and we work out together all the time. It kinda helps keep you in check cause even when you don't feel like going they are there to say "lets go!" and vice versa when they are are in those kinda moods.