

  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Stevia isn't banned in the UK as I use it a lot. So I don't think it is banned in the EU. Might be in some Countries in Europe, but not here.
  • PamelaKuz
    PamelaKuz Posts: 191 Member
    I've only had aspartame once, and it caused me to have a severe stroke. I haven't risked trying any other artificial sweeteners since, so I just use regular sugar or syrup.. Just less. Once and a while I get a craving for pop, and I'll have a sip or two from someone else's (non-diet), it's enough to get rid of the craving. It's hard to even find gum that doesn't have any artificial sweetener in it! I'm a juicy fruit gal, lol.
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Stevia has shown in male lab rats to cause low sperm counts and sterility. Why not just be smart and use sugar sparingly or use fruit as your sweetner?
  • Ledgehanger
    Ledgehanger Posts: 125 Member
    ( I suffer memory loss from aspatame and sucralose give me hives. )

    I have a reaction to aspartame, but I don't remember what it is... :laugh:

    (I kid, I kid...)

    Actually, I do have an allergic reaction to aspartame. For me, my throat starts to close up and I become short of breath - so I am pretty careful to stay away from it. My reaction to Sucralose is more like, "ewww, that doesn't taste right." (I'm not a big fan of Stevia, either.)

    I tend to use saccharine ("the pink stuff") to sweeten things like iced tea. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything that is still made with saccharine due to the (largely unfounded) fear-mongering about saccharine a number of years back. Even though I personally have a reaction to aspartame that is quite significant, I think much of the criticism of aspartame is the same kind of unfounded criticism that essentially removed saccharine from availability in soft drinks, etc.
  • sandikunze
    I researched this and, yes, Optimum Natural 100% Whey Protein Gold Standard is made with evaporated cane sugar, which is better for you than any sweetener other than maybe honey. Also, I cannot believe that someone would argue with people who are allergic to artificial sweeteners and say they are making it up. Aspartame gives me migraines that are so severe I lose my vision, I tested out Sucralose again and I had mild migraine auras that I was going to see if I could tolerate in a new protein powder, but then, my lips and tongue swelled up and got sores on them, still wasn't sure, but on about the 4th day my throat hurt and I had a hard time swallowing. Stevia maybe natural, but, for me it is the fastest way for me to get a terrible migraine with nausea, memory fog and lethargy. MSG and soy are also migraine creators for me and there are chemical similarities in most of these products. Once you've had a migraine or other severe allergic reaction from something you eat, your body will give you an aversion to them and no scientific research is going to make you eat them.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    No one should be eating artificial sweeteners. They are poison!

    For shakes and sweetener use stevia. It is not an artificial sweetener. It's been in use longer than sugar and comes from a plant just like sugar.

    Jay robb makes a protein shake with stevia.

    The problem with stevia is (and I learned this the hard way) that if you use the wrong amount, it can make whatever you're trying to sweeten taste HORRIBLE.

    I don't trust it.

    Sweet N' Low for me all the way!