no magic pill

lawkat Posts: 538 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
For the past few days, people have been asking me how have I lost 50 pounds. Whenever I tell them it is just by counting calories, exercise, eating healthy and eating in moderation, they seem so disappointed. I don't know if they expected a better answer like a drank magic pill that made it all go away. Changing my eating dietary habits has not been easy and actually this is the lowest I have ever been in my adult life. I just find it funny that my key to weight loss is so simple.

I am still trying to get used to my body and often don't see what others see when it comes to my weight loss. Just another issue I need to work through to be happy with my body.


  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I found that too when I lost a bunch of weight a couple eyars ago (since then I've sadly put it back on which is why I'm here) but people at my college were askign me that as well. Wtih being in school and you're always so busy, people don't understand how I did it. Alot became concerned that I was harming myself to lose weight but I kept telling them that I was just eating better and working out everyday over the summer and when I came back to school I was in such a good rhythm that it just kept going. So I know how you feel :happy:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    For the past few days, people have been asking me how have I lost 50 pounds. Whenever I tell them it is just by counting calories, exercise, eating healthy and eating in moderation, they seem so disappointed. I don't know if they expected a better answer like a drank magic pill that made it all go away. Changing my eating dietary habits has not been easy and actually this is the lowest I have ever been in my adult life. I just find it funny that my key to weight loss is so simple.

    I am still trying to get used to my body and often don't see what others see when it comes to my weight loss. Just another issue I need to work through to be happy with my body.

    I feel the same way! I STILL picture myself as heavy, and ALWAYS do a double take when I see a window or mirror that shows what I look like now, thanks to MFP! :happy:
    I always used to hope for that "magic pill", but, it never came along! I tried hypnosis TWICE, as well as every other "diet" out there, but, nothing worked until I came here! Who'd have thought that by eating in moderation (MOST of the time!) and getting some exercise (I do FUN exercise, like dancing to my oldies, jogging to my Wii Fit, and walking) that I'd actually LOSE the weight that I wanted to! :happy:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I agree with you, people at my work are like how do you do it? They are like you need to write a book I said there is not method to my madness excpet to want to be healthy. I didnt do surgrey I didnt take any pills and when I tell them I weigh everything that goes into my mouth they are like awww thats to much work. If they saw the results I have seen they would be like ok I am on this wagon. Aug 17th will make my year mark since starting my lifestyle changes I have come leaps and bounds since then, Back on July 22nd I hit goal weight of 150 pounds, I started at 275 pounds so I am very proud og myself. I am healthy for my husband and my kids and more importantlyt ME. I hope everyone has a fabulous day..Tamara
  • Shelley130
    Shelley130 Posts: 142
    unfortunately, I used to be one of those people. I was only interested in people's success if it didn't take any hard work and I could lose the weight in record time AND still continue my bad eating habits and laziness. Don't take what they said too hard... speaking from experience... they just really want to be you, have your motivation and success!! Seeing you reminds them of how fat and lazy they really are. :smile:
  • Aprilglow
    Aprilglow Posts: 4
    :flowerforyou: First of all Congratulations!
    I lost 50 pounds on the WW program. And felt great and look great too. Unfortunately four years later I have slowly gained 40 pounds back. Not so good. Now… I feel awful about this change. I have ignored everything I have learned and am back to square one. I have lost my focus on good healthy eating. My hope is tracking on “My Fitness Pal” will help me to get back the focus I need and I realize that it will be harder to get back to my 154 pound weight. So... Yes, I ask people how they lost their weight too. Success stories are good motivators.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I agree with you, people at my work are like how do you do it? They are like you need to write a book I said there is not method to my madness excpet to want to be healthy. I didnt do surgrey I didnt take any pills and when I tell them I weigh everything that goes into my mouth they are like awww thats to much work. If they saw the results I have seen they would be like ok I am on this wagon. Aug 17th will make my year mark since starting my lifestyle changes I have come leaps and bounds since then, Back on July 22nd I hit goal weight of 150 pounds, I started at 275 pounds so I am very proud og myself. I am healthy for my husband and my kids and more importantlyt ME. I hope everyone has a fabulous day..Tamara

    You are a true inspiration! Good for you
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I work with a girl who DID take a magic pill..actually, injections. Once a week, for $80, from some weight loss Doc. Of course, as soon as she stopping going for the injections, she put on all that weight PLUS another 20 lbs. I have no idea what was in the shots but I can't believe the yo-yo her weight is doing is healthy. She's afraid to quit smoking because she thinks she'll put on another 30 lbs.

    I considered it...for about 3 seconds. I can't do $80 a week forever! And what if you become resistant to whatever it is? Or they find some sort of severe health issue with it 5 years from now? I think it's an appetite suppressant/speed of some sort, so what if you'd like to eat real meals eventually? Or feel good all day, instead of jittery and jumpy?

    Nah...I'll do my weight loss the hard way. The permanent way. With long term health benefits! And I already quit smoking :happy: , so I never have to worry about that issue again!
  • Demetria
    Demetria Posts: 178
    I work with a girl who DID take a magic pill..actually, injections. Once a week, for $80, from some weight loss Doc. Of course, as soon as she stopping going for the injections, she put on all that weight PLUS another 20 lbs. I have no idea what was in the shots but I can't believe the yo-yo her weight is doing is healthy. She's afraid to quit smoking because she thinks she'll put on another 30 lbs.

    I considered it...for about 3 seconds. I can't do $80 a week forever! And what if you become resistant to whatever it is? Or they find some sort of severe health issue with it 5 years from now? I think it's an appetite suppressant/speed of some sort, so what if you'd like to eat real meals eventually? Or feel good all day, instead of jittery and jumpy?

    Nah...I'll do my weight loss the hard way. The permanent way. With long term health benefits! And I already quit smoking :happy: , so I never have to worry about that issue again!

    The lady who gained the weight back plus more is a sure sign it was a the wrong way to lose weight and she probably did hurt her metabolism with the yo-yo effect. Usually people who quit smoking gain weight if they are not careful, it can take about 4 yrs for the body to regulate that extra weight if the person does not to anything about it.

    I hear you, I have found that I just FEEL so much better about everything since I am working hard and eating right to lose this extra weight.

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    We all know how to do it - there's really only one way to do it. It's just hard, and people want it quick and easy.

    I've seen the flicker of disappointment. "So what are you doing?" - "2000 calories a day and 30 minutes on the elliptical machine every morning",,, You can almost hear the "damn ". :smile:
  • alsmith84
    alsmith84 Posts: 2
    LOL ya, quick and easy would be great, but... not healthy.
    I've really just decided that I want to do it the healthy way. When I have reached my goal I will be proud to say I did it by changing my eating habits and exercising. It's definitely more motivating to keep the weight off for me by doing it the hard way. I will think back and say, "that's really not worth putting in my mouth." It's not easy, and growing up being overweight is harder for me, I have never worn the cute skinny jeans or tank tops in my adult life... but I look forward to it :bigsmile:

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